Pack mule,Old friendsand talking Bags

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Back at the Common Room

"Hey Ron your strong right..I think" I said as I sat down next to Harry "Can you carry my bags please.?" I told him. 

"What do I look like a pack mule?" Ron said I opened my mouth to say something but he noticed and said

"Don't answer that." Ron said

"Actually Ron, you do look like a mule if you turn sideways." Harry said I laughed and hi-fived him

"Shutup."  Ron said turning crimson

"Anyway why can't you carry it Rain?" Hermione asked 

"That, is a excellent question Hermione well you see my bag is heavy so when I need to go to class my bag gets heavy and doesn't want to help me get to class then my feet don't cooperate and they slow down then Bam! I'm late. So anyway I keep fighting with it and it  just doesn't care and I know what your thinking what do I do? I don't know so thats why I need someone strong." I explained

"Are you on weed or something?" a familiar girl voice said

"Maybe she is lets go check on our little friend." another voice said a male one

"Who are yo- ROCKY!!! STONE!!!." I yelled and tackled them into hugs you see Rocky and Stone were my best friends but when we moved away they lived in my neigbhourhood but didn't go to my school so  I couldn't see them but we stayed in touch when we moved. ( by the way Rocky is the girl and Stone is the guy.)

"What are you doing here?!?" we asked each other at the same time, yeah that happens alot

"Why didn't you tell me?" we all said again

"I thought you were a muggle!" We said in unison

"So did I." We screamed

"Ok we have to stop doing that." we said again we all got angry and slapped each other

"Ow!!." Rocky said

"God, you still slap people hard." Stone complimented me

"Thanks and God that hurts like hell." I said we all laughed

"I missed you guys." I said

"I missed you too babez!!." (she means it in a friendly way) Rocky said and hugged me which I gladly returned

"Don't hog her Rocky I missed her too." Stone said

"Ok lets settle this once and for all GROUP HUG!!!." I screamed we all hugged each other but was interrupted by a cough behind us I turned around and grinned sheepishly

"Oh right Rocky,Stone meet Hermione, Ron and Harry." I said

"Sup dude." Stone said to Harry and Ron who just looked confused

"Oh sorry DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH??" Stone said yelling I started laughing hysterically

"Yes and can you please stop screaming." Harry said

"Oh sorry." he said

"I'm Rocky nice to meet you Hermione." Rocky said

"Pleasure." Hermione said Rocky just stared at her

"Umm guys Rocky and Stone are from the US." I explained


~~~~~~~~~~~OMG SQUIGGLY LINES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YAY~~~~~~~

hey guys just want to thank each and every one for reading my stories im extremely grateful

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