Lies Part 1

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I was sitting on a rock next to the lake and I saw the Giant Squid

"AHHHHH!!!!" for some reason I really disliked squids seriously they creeped me out I stumbled backwards and fell on someone.;

"Thank-oh Malfoy." I said my tone turning into a unpleasant one he stared at me I fake coughed he kept staring. Cant he take a hint? I coughed again more loudly this time he still stared.

"Stop staring!! " I yelled in his face

"Yeah I have to go." he mumbled and left

"What the heck?" I asked myself I got Nyx out of my pocket

"misstresss maybee he should not be trusted." Nyx hissed

"Nyx i'm going to set you free,and I know he shouldn't be trusted." I replied and let her go

"If thats what mistressss wishes I will lisssteen." she replied

"Bye Nyx I have charms now." I said checking my muggle watch I found in my pocket just now

"Byee." she hissed

I went into class silently begging Flitwick wouldn't see her and slid in next to Ron

"Hey Ron." I said

"Hey" he said sadly

"Whats wrong?" I asked him

"There is a girl I like her but I don't know if she likes me." he said nervously

"Well tell her how you feel bro, if that doesn't work well you could always live with Fred and George." I said 

he chuckled and listened to what Flitwick was saying 

"Class today we will be learning the shield charm now everyone say Protego." flitwick squeaked

"Protego." everyone said in unison


Sorry its short this is part one .

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