Shopping in Hogsmeadeee

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Hey guys just want to tell you if you want to picture Rain think of Arianna Grande and in 3 more days school will be over (today is the weekend) so I have much much more time to write more chapters YAY!!! also When Rain gets really really pissed at someone she will start swearing!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter,sadly it belongs to J.K.Rowlinggg :)


So Today I'm going with Hermione,Ginny and Luna to go buy dresses I didn't find anything that I liked so me and Luna went to get some butterbeers after that happened we went to a vintage shop and I bought a black dress and she bought a yellow dress with a matching bag and shoes.

"Hey Luna why did you buy everything in yellow?" I asked her curiously

"It keeps away the nargles." she said in that familiar dreamy tone

(N/A: The dresses are below so if you want to see)

I checked my muggle watch we have to go meet Hermione and Ginny in about 5 minutes so why not leave now.

"Luna lets go and find Hermione and Ginny." I told her

"Ok." she said

and we skipped and danced all the way people looked at us and gave us weird looks but thats what so great about Luna she never cares what other people think  of her especially when they call her Loony Lovegood and I admire her for that.

"Hey 'Mione and Gin." We said happily dancing in the street

"So show us what you bought." Ginny asked us

"No, we will only show you at the dance which is in about two days so yeah wait two days." I told them

"Why??" they both asked

"Because I will turn seventeen in three months so I'm oldest losers."  I told them sticking my tongue

"Oh." they all said in unison

"So who do you guys want to go with?" I asked them while walking back to the castle

"I wan't to go with Cedric" Ginny said

"Thats great Gin I heard he broke up with Cho because she only liked him because he was rich." I told her she smiled

"I want to go with..." Hermione said something incoherent

"What?" we all said

"I want to go with Ron." she said

"Oh." we all said

"Well I could ask him for you besides everyone knows you like eachother." I said everyone except Hermione nodded in agreement

"Really? would you Rain oh please." she pleaded

"Yeah sure I have charms with him anyway.

"I want to go with Harry." I told them

"I want to go with Neville." Luna said

"So guys lets see how long it will be until they ask us." I told them they all nodded and said yes

"Ok just to see if they have any guts we have to walk together and do everything together." I told them

"Yeah lets do it." Ginny said

"Ok all in favor say I." Hermione said we all looked at her weirdly

"Its a muggle thing." she explained

"Oh ok I." Luna said

"eye." I said

"I" Ginny said


here is my polyvore account so if you want to see the dresses they are there:




message me

Have fun

eat pizzaaa

also if you want me to advertise your story comment and if u want me to read it leave a comment if you are hungry leave a comment byeeee :)

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