Past,Present and Future

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To everyone else I'm just a pretty face sometimes when people look at me its like I'm perfect because I have these super powers but I am not perfect at all just because I'm pretty. At my old muggle school I was bullied,tormented,teased,threatened and friendless.When I was 12 Amos put me into that muggle junior school and the first day I walked in people started whispering and because I was a metamorphagus I had to keep my hair from changing. I never told Amos what they were doing to me I didn't want to worry him and I didn't want anyone to know and at that school they would whisper:

 “Oh my gosh look at the new girl she looks so ugly.”

 “Look at her clothes and her hair it looks like a dead carrot.”

 “What a nerd.”

After that I just bottled everything up I didn't care anymore nothing was important I was too depressed to

do anything I didn't eat and the only way I would sleep was if I cried myself to sleep at some point I was

so depressed I started cutting myself trying so hard to get rid of the pain but it just came back the next

day everyone knew my weakness was bullying. To everyone in that school I was the school freaky emo (no offense to emo's) nobody talked to me I was alone I even started

thinking about suicide the only thing that kept me strong was I had a family who cared about me.

 My life at that school was a dark dark hole one day at home when I was cutting my self in the toilet

Cedric came and saw what I did to myself and told dad and from that minute I was home-schooled and

my life was much much better.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dumbledore who said

“Ms.Wealsey can I talk to you please.”

“Yeah sure.” I replied and followed him to his office

“As you may or may not know you are Voldermort's new target you and Harry.”

“What why?” I didn't understand whats going on

“Well because you have abilities even Voldermort doesn't have and you are friends with Harry am Icorrect?”

“But I don't know what to do, I-Im not ready for this.” I started hyperventilating

 “Ms.Wealsey please calm yourself.” he said

“I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life why me what did I ever do?” I said to myself

“Ms.Wealsey have you heard of The Order Of The Phoenix?” he explained calmy how on earth can

he be calm in a situation like this?

“Yes Amos is in it but he never tells us about it.” (for the sake of the story pretend Amos is in TOTP)

“Yes and we want you to join The order of the phoenix wants to get rid of Voldermort.” he said

“I want to join Professor I want to stop Voldermort I don't want him taking another innocent life away.”

“Excellent however I must warn you your life may be in danger and you may die.” he explained

“Professor I am not afraid of death it is merely a adventure.” I said

“Aah you know Ms.Weasley you are a true gryffindor at heart.”

“Thank you Professor.” I said leaving

“And ms.Weasley know that you will always have friends and family who will love you and will be there for you.” he said his eyes twinkling

I nodded not knowing what else to say and walked out I always wondered how he was so wise I went to visit the Lake.

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