My Life is a Lie Chapter 1. My Life is a Lie

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I walk to the castle after my awkward moment with Hagrid I should go to Dumbledore's office later today maybe Voldermort was lying trying to get me to the dark side.I laughed when I remembered something from a comic book which said and I quote, "Come to the dark side, we have cookies!"

I walked up to the steps of the long stairs wasn't it the Gryffindor Quidditch thing I bet they won because I can hear music from here and I'm not in the common room yet. I said the password and got in everyone was cheering  and laughing and then everything stopped it was like slow motion Harry and Ginny were kissing and they didn'nt even acknowledge the fact that I was standing right there. I tapped Harry on the shoulder he looked at me then his eyes widened the I slapped him.


"You jerk! I hate you and I never want to see you again I hope you rot in hell!" I yell

"Does this mean were over?" he asked I smiled sarcastically of course then ppunched him in the jaw, I was satisfied when I heard a loud CRACK

"What do you think?" I said and ran up the steps to the girl dorm and started cryingI hugged my knees,I felt someone hug me I looked up to see Hermione I hugged her back "Now what happened?" she asked soothingly "H-he kissed h-her," I stuttered 

"He kissed who?" she said she probably figured out who 'he' was

"G-ginny," I managed to say and the door opened to see Ginny saying to Hermione "Oh my god I kissed Harry isn't that great then something happened I wasn't really focusing but I kissed him my pathetic sister didn't even like him," she said and flipped her hair seriously my own sister turns out to be a total bitch?

"Is that what you think I am Ginny? your own sister how could you?! never mind get out of my face  I don't want to see you! and give me your bracelet," I said and stuck my hand out she gave me the bracelet, she probably didn't even know the bracelet was made to protect her.

I really regret being friends with her.

I closed my eyes and in seconds, the bracelet lit on fire, Hermione gasped and reached for her wand,I shook my head no,she got the message and we watched the bracelet burn slowly, slowly, and it faded. Nothing was left except ashes on my bed.

"I need some air 'Mione thanks for staying with me." I said and turned into a phoenix and kept flying around for a couple of minutes. I wish I could stay a bird forever I sighed and closed my eyes I wish life could stay like this I landed and sat down next to the Black Lake I opened my eyes after a minute but I wasn't next the Black Lake there was a guy and a lady they were beautiful not normal beautiful like goddessly beautiful.

"Umm.Hi?" I ask really not knowing what to say.

"I'm Apollo." he says I shake his hand but pull away because they're on fire! he laughs at me while the girl glares dissaprovingly Apollo stops they remind me of Ron and Hermione.

"I'm Flora," she says

"I'm Rain," I say "I think,"

"Your name isn't Rain dear,your name is Violet Rosemary Jameson." she says softly

"What?! NO-What?!" I yelled I then decided that maybe if I wasn't yelling they would probably respond.

"Wait ,who are you?" I asked

"Were your parents of course darling," she said 

"But they told me you were my ancestors?" I asked why is everyone lying to me?

"To protect you of course-Apollo stop that!" she said hitting Apollo on the back of his head ,yep they definitely are like Ron and Hermione.

"Ok, where am I?" I asked

"I dunno I thought you knew," Apollo said and started jumping up and down 

"Oh for goodness sake," Flora said and made flower ropes stop him from moving from the ground, he struggled against them and glared at Flora.

 "Bloody hell! how come I can't do that?" I asked

"Because, your power hasn't been trained well sweetie," she said and a couch appeared and we both sat down comftorably

"So..what am I supposed to call you mom dad or Flora and Apollo?" I asked patheticly

"Hmm.. anything you like but we would like it if you call us mom and dad," Mom said with a hopeful glint in her eye

"," she smiled and hugged me in the corner of my eye I could see Apollo trying to burn the flower rope thing-y.

"Oh well, c-can you take me back to my room please?" I asked she nodded but I stopped her "When will I see you again?" I asked

"Think our name three times in your head and you'll be able to talk to us or we can do this." she did something

now we can listen to your thoughts. mom's voice said in my head

yeah also get me outta this flower thing i'm dying here! dad's voice said I laughed at them

"Well goodbye darling sweet dreams" mom's voice said and then I was back in my bed and then I fell into a dreamless sleep.

My life is SERIOSULY messed up!

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