Imma Auror

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hey people if ur confused I will explain Arianna Grande's hair colour and face is Violet except she changes her hair alot and does that make sense? never mind enjoy!

Disclaimer: I still dont own Harry Potter


I woke up feeling refreshed and changed my hair to a purple-ish color I then ran to the Great Hall and sat down next to Hermione and Ron and put pancakes on my plate I grabbed some maple syrup and put a litttle bit before changing my mind and spilling the whole bottle.

I cut up the pieces of the pancake and ate them "YUMMMY!" I said and walked to to the Hufflepuff table I sat down next to Cedric.

"Hey Ceddy-boy," I said and grabbed the toast he was about to eat he glared at me and I looked at the blonde boy opposite me "Do I know you?" I asked he seemed familiar he stuck his hand out

"Ernie Mcmillan," he said I looked at his hand and back at him

"Don't Care," I said he didn't look like a nice guy so I just ignored him

"So Cedric ,how are you?" I said

"Vi,we both know you don't care," Cedric said

"Whaaat? that is a lie a scandal yeah I know," I said and hung my head in shame "But I'm just so bored I know I'll hang out with Luna!" I said and skipped over to the Ravenclaw table.

"Hey Luna!" I said

"Hello VIolet you should watch out there are lots of Nargles following you," she said dreamily

"Right.." I said my voice trailing off sometimes she was really weird

"Well I have Potions or something bye Luna!"I said and waved and walked to the Dungeons.

"Glad to see you've joined us Miss.Jameson," Slughorn said I gave him a two-fingered wave and sat down next to Harry.

"Sup," I greeted Harry he looked at me confused "Never mind," I sighed and looked at the board we were making Elixir to Introduce Euphoria? What the hell is that?

"SO what about you do it and I take a nap?" I ask "Great thanks," I say and take a nap and wake up to realize class was over I ran out and went to apparation class I needed the damned license!

I walked in just in time and I threw my bag somewhere and yes I will turn seventeen in three weeks and I know you had to pay twelve galleons but heck, it was worth it.

"Splinching, or the separation of random body parts, occurs when the mind is insufficiently determined. You must concentrate continually upon your destination, and move, without haste, but with deliberation"the guy Wilkie Twycross said and I stood next to Ron and Harry I watched as Susan Bones splinched herself and let me tell you watching someone's leg leave someone's body isn't a pretty sight.

he laid out three circles and said to apparate into them I closed my eyes and focused on apparating when I entered a white room "Woah! am I dead?" I asked myself

"No dear, you are very much alive," Mum's voice said I turned around and saw her smiling face

"What happened mom?" I asked

"You see we have sped up your life you did want to get away from the drama and let me explain things now your twenty your a auror,Harry defeated Voldermort,Harry's a auror,he's still dating Ginny,you dated a while back again but he broke your heart and now your kind of a hardcore,strong brave woman and you have a black motorbike and your own apartment which is pretty big if you ask me." she said smiling

"And you haven't seen Potter in two years enjoy your new life." Dad said and I woke up in a huge apartment and then I saw a cute golden retriever puppy it had a name tag it was called Rocky! how adorable I went outside and saw I did have a huge motocycle I drove it to the Auror place (I still don't know its name) I don't know how I found it but who cares and when I got out I found a messenger bag on the motor cycle I just took it with me.

And then all the memories came back in my head this place was called the Auror Department I went into the bathroom and went into the stalls I found some clothes in my bag how did it fit? probably a undetectable extension charm. I changed into a grey t-shirt,jeggings and black boots I put my bullets in a belt filled with potions,creams and more bullets and a gun.

I guess you had to watch your back when your a auror I found a secret compartment in my boot where there were two guns and a knife surprisingly I didn't panic.

I got out of the toilet and went into a room and saw Remus Lupin he was the Head of the Auror Department.

"Hello Remus," I said he nodded and said "You are going on a new mission," I grinned this was easy "And I'm going to bring someone to help you," he said I nodded and put my hair into a ponytail.

I sat on the couch and waited for this person and Remus. 

i started making oranges float with my wand when I was interrupted "Violet meet the second best auror," he said and Harry Freakin' Potter came in and anger boiled through me.

"Now, show me your weapons," Remus commanded I got Two guns and shot "BANG! BANG!"  Harry seemed startled I then got the knife and threw it at places,I got my wand and made bananas and oranges sing "I'm awesome and your not,"  I used my powers and I used my eyes to charm Harry to sing "I"M GAY!" Remus laughed and clapped his hands.

Harry did the same thing but minus the singing fruits,powers and they I'm Gay song.

Then Remus gave me a small bag and said it was full of the things we needed I nodded but then he stopped me and said "Violet please try not to kill him," I laughed and said "I cant promise anything," I said.

"First I need you to go and get loads of clothes your going to Olympus,Greece Violet I assume you know where that is," Remus said and I nodded he gestured us to leave

"Okay Potter,we're going to my house because my house is closer," I said and got on my motorcycle I heard the engine roar and I headed to my awesome apartment.

I got the key and Potter followed me I went into my room and get tackled by Rocky licking my face "I'm going to miss you Rocky," I said and petted his head "Oi Potter come here and help me pack," I said and took all my clothes out and let me tell you I had some pretty awesome clothes.

"Why don't you use magic?" Potter said I looked at him like he was a moron scratch that he was a moron "Because the spells put all my clothes in my bag not the ones I want," I said 

I put my pajamas and Potter said "Snoopy? what are you five?" he asked I glared at him "So?" I asked and he found my power ranger pyjamas "What they're soft and comfy now pack Potter!" I yelled at him I put in my favorite shirts and jeans.

I saw Potter look at one of my bras I went over and smacked him on the head "Oww,"

"Oh,Man up," I pushed him out of my room and started packing myself I sighed and left with Potter annoying me.

But I love adventures it brings people closer and pulls them apart.


SO you guys I know how weird this is but I was getting bored of Hogwarts and I love Remus how can he diee??

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