Ginevra Molly Weasley and Rain Anne Weasley

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The next day I walked to the Great Hall bumping people on purpose just to get rid of my boredom I spotted Cedric at the HufflePuff table seriously why would they name something HufflePuff its so weird I dont know.

"Hey Ced wassup." I said stealing his toast he was just about to eat 

"Not much since you just took my toast and you can't sit here Ray." he replied grabbing the toast

"What why not?" I said 

"Because you started a food fight last time." he told me in a matter of fact voice

"Oh yeah." I said staring up at space remembering that day "That was fun ok peace." then I stole his toast again.

I went to see if anyone was at the Gryffindor table there was Ginny and Ron ok this is the day Rain the day you make Ginny tell you why she bloody hates you ok go!" I said to myself

"Hey Ginny whats up" I said trying to make small talk

"None of your business ." she replied coldly

"Listen I want to say I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you hate me so much." I said sincerely

I mouthed to ron Go he nodded and left

"I'm only angry at you because you like Cedric Diggory." she said fast

"But I didn-what you think I like Ced ewwwww gross. he's more like a brother  a annoying overprotective, concetied, stubborn brother who I have to deal with but I don't like him."

"Oh my Gosh I'm so sorry I was so mean to you RayRay I was so blind and stupid I'm sorry." she said 

"Its alright Ginny you didn't know and again ewwwwwwwwwwwww so whst classes do you have now?"

"Umm...Charms." she said checking her schedule I didn't need one since I'm the heir of Hogwarts hey maybe thats why I speak parseltongue oh never mind I have class.

"Ok lets go." I dragged her to charms and sat next to hershe started taking notes while I was doodling she passed me a note saying: what are you doing? I scribbled back just doodling and by the way I need to cheat from you l8r k.   she just nodded  I'm sorry I was mean to you Rain I was stupid. I read it and wrote quit apologising Gin its boring me hahahahahahaha no I didn't eat pancakes. she just rolled her eyes and laughed when she read it yep things were back to normal.

 "Stand up Ms.Weasley." Prof.Flitwick said we both stood up

"The other Weasley." he said I still didn't know which one

"The one on the right." he corrected. hey thats me 

"Wassup Filius." I said nonchalantly everyone laughed

"Its Professor Flitwick to you Ms.Weasley."

"Ya k bye." I said and left before he could say anything

I started humming a tune quietly when I heard "My father says Weasley's dad is going to get fired for sticking with Dumbledore then the only thing they will rely on is Potter." I was furious I went around the corner it was Malfoy and his loser friends.

"Listen Malfoy you can insult me and my family but never insult my father." I said pointing my wand at him

"Your father is nothing but a no good mudblood lover." He sneered

"How dare you my father is ten times the man your father is and at leat my father has enough dignity to realize hat your parents are deatheaters."

"How dare you blood traitor." He said pointing his wand at me 

"Stupefy!" he fell backwards

"Thats for insulting my father Malfoy." I spat

I went to the Lake and found that snake again "Hey I never learned your name did I? I hissed at it

"Yes my name is Nyx ." she hissed

"I'm Rain." she nodded and I put her in my robe pocket

"Are you ok Nyx? I asked in Parseltongue

hey wait if I have my parseltongue thing from Slytherin what do I have from Gryffindor,Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff?

oh well thats for another day I'm going to sleep goodnight.

"Umm..Rain its 2 Pm." Hermione said

"Your point?" I asked

"Never mind I can't wake you up anyway."

"Thats the spirit Mione good night."

And I fell asleep and Nyx was on my lamp  "GOODNIGHT NYX"  "Why are you screaming??" IDK ITS FUN" "GOOD NIGHT RAIN"


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