1. meeting the ceo

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*Alarm chimes*

My eyes quickly open as the alarm went off.

"gosh i need to change that alarm sound"
i groaned while rubbing my face.

i lazily slid out of bed and stretched my body.
my 5 year old son comes running into my bedroom towards me hugging my legs

"good morning mommy"
he says excitingly

"morning baby, why so jumpy today?" i say as i scanned his outfit surprised that he put his own clothes on without my assistance.

"wow baby look at you, you're growing up on me"
i pouted as i observed the spider man shoes that were each on the wrong foot, with brown stained shorts and a batman t shirt with a hoodie.

i giggled with the sight i seen with his attempt to dress himself, it was cute.

"can mommy help you put your shoes on the right way and maybe change your shorts into clean ones?"
i asked as i lifted him up on my hips.

"no thank you i'm a big boy"
he says as he crossed his arms

"i know you are baby but-"
i was cut off by my sister Esmerelda

"good morning family"
she says as she walks by my bedroom. she backs up to my door way and walks in.
"i see big man got himself dressed up". she chuckles

"yup and i didn't ask for any help"
he says proudly

my sister puts her hand up insinuating a high five from him he reaches over and high fives her.

Esmeralda is 21, we recently moved in together to help each other with bills and apollo, she's all i have since our parents passed 3 years ago. we promised to stay together after the fact to keep moving forward with the grief together and to better our relationship.

she's mature for her age, she acts like she's my big sister at times.

"okay baby it's time to get you to school on your first day"
i say as he jumps off me and fixes his shoes to put them on the right way.

"let tia get ready first and i'll bring you to school"
she says while she ruffles his hair

i admire my son and sisters relationship, she's extremely attentive with him. she's like his second mom and i'm more then grateful to have her help during this time of grief and without apollos father being in the picture.

i didn't realize i was zoned out until my sister snaps her finger in my face.

essie says waving her hand over my face.

"my bad"
i say blinking a few times.

"what are you over thinking about this time? you just woke up"
she says folding her arms

"nothing sis i was just taking in this moment of appreciation" i say genuinely

she laughs in my face "okay softy". she says before turning to leave my bedroom with apollo following behind her.

my sister isn't much of a empathetic person, it takes a lot for her to really open up and be expressive. when i get sentimental with her she picks at me about it as you can see. when it comes to feelings and words of affirmation she kinda puts on a tough act but it suits her.

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