4. irritation

13 0 0

it's 4pm, and i barely ate the food. i only had a few bites to make it look like i was eating. i wrapped up the utensils and shut the to-go tray and set it aside on the glass table in front of me and went back to work.

"how was it"
she asked

"it was good, thanks"
i said, avoiding eye contact

"look at me"
she says flatly

i looked up at her

"you will be eating the food i give you for now on"


"enough with the questions!"
she says slightly raising her voice enough for me to listen.

i did a small huff, trying my hardest not to show any irritation

why does she even care and why am i the only person in her office, it's cold in here.

"may i be excused"
i asked, as i looked at the time hoping i could waste my last hour somewhere else

"of course"

i got up from my seat and walk to the elevator and press the button, as soon as it opens i walk in immediately and hit the first floor.

once i came to the first floor i let out a long breath, it was torture being up there with just me and her. i was trying my best to keep my composure the whole time. there were so many emotions running through me between irritation confusion and attraction.

claudia and evan looked at me from evan's office window and motioned me to come in.

i looked up at the camera that was sitting right above me facing the whole lobby and i'm pretty sure the ceo has access to it now that's she's here.

i walked straight to the restroom ignoring my co workers request, and pull out my phone to text the group chat with them in it.

"guys she called me in her office and i been there ever since, i'm not sure as to why"

Evan - 'dude she's probably into you'

"non sense we just met"

Claudia - 'so what, why else would she have you in her office the whole day"

"i don't know maybe she saw you guys walk in my office thru the cameras 😒 "

Evan - "oh crap"

Claudia- "that could also be a possibility"

Evan - "i don't care i call dibs if she's into you"

Claudia- "i'm putting 100 down"

Evan- "no we need bigger than that"

Claudia- "crap she's here promise she's looking in your office i think she's looking for you"

i shut my phone and quickly go in a stall to hide

what does this woman want from me

i hear the the heels clinking and the door creaking open.

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