9. breaking a few rules

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monday came quick, the weekend went by like a breeze. the last 2 days since apollo came home i spent my time with him. we watched movies, cuddled and baked cookies together. i felt bad for my son, he needs a companion when we're busy, i'm thinking getting him a pet. maybe a fish? something easy to maintain for now.

i heard a knock on my door tracing me away from my thoughts, my sister came in

"your up early," i say lifting my body up to look at her.

"yeah we need to talk," she says and walks to me sitting on the edge of my bed

"yeah of course what's going on?" i frowned at her with concern. my sis usually never cares to talk about anything, especially with me so i was eager to know what's finally on her mind for once.

she looks down at her fingers before she spoke, "i've been seeing someone.. he's great, i met him at my bosses house when i was cooking there. the family had a party and i was catering. him and i hit it off pretty well and we've been seeing each other after work daily ever since. he met apollo already and-

"wait what," i say cutting her off

she repeated her statement "i said, i been seeing -

"no i get that, i mean you let this strange man meet my son before i did?" i questioned

"well, in case you forgot i'm always with him before work and after work, even when your here you lock yourself in your room after work while i do his nightly routine. you don't even do it once. i have a life as well promise. you leave me stuck with apollo all the time, don't get me wrong i love him but it's like i don't have a choice," she says out of frustration

"excuse me? how is that on me when you offer to help me out with him"

" helping you out and being a damn near full time personal nanny are two different things, i don't mind helping you out with him, when you're unable to do so when time is inconvenient for you to be there for him, not the other way around. i thought that's what we agreed on?" she gets up from my bed waiting for me to respond to her statement.

i had no words. she's right.

i sighed, "i'm sorry about that." i admitted

"oh.. i wasn't expecting you to apologize, i was expecting an excuse or a full blown argument to break out"

"no, trust me i've been overthinking about it, i'm barely there for apollo, sometimes i feel like i don't even have a kid," i admitted to her looking down in shame.

again. my sister isn't the sentimental type but i didn't say she doesn't have empathy.

she walks up next to me on the side of my bed, and sat right next to me to get more personal.

"if you feel that way we can arrange our days with him, so we both can equally have time with him," she says to me as her eyes soften

"you take 2 days, and i take 3 days out the week," i tell her

"let's flip it, i like being around your kid he's enjoyable," she says to me and rubs my arm

i look down at her hand that's rubbing my arm for comfort

"are you drunk?" i asked her

"what? why would you ask a stupid question like that"

"because your actually showing affection"

she sucks her teeth, "enjoy it while it lasts this is all your getting out of me," she got up from my bed and walks out my room avoiding anymore conversation about it. "i got apollo today," she yells out once more going into the main bathroom.

i look at the time and realized my conversation with es made me run a bit behind on schedule.

i got up to take a quick shower, and threw on my uniform clothes, todays colors are pink and white. no heels.

i checked the time and see it was 7:45.

i didn't have time to do my hair. i grabbed my belongings and headed out the door, drove to work and slightly made it on time, 5 minutes behind but it's whatever.

i don't like coming to work late, i like being early before everyone else. to avoid the stares or any dry small talk i get when i walk in, and today was the prime example to that.

i walked straight into my office as i glanced up to see a few people looking at me thru their office windows.

if we all worked together in one lobby or office, i'm pretty sure they'd be whispering about me amongst each other. the only thing came to mind with that was the fact that my hair was down lose when it's not supposed to be, or friday night with Christina. "great,"  i say to myself lowly.

i closed the curtains to my office glass window to get some privacy even tho i'm not supposed to do so. i'm breaking a few rules, i just need to think to myself. i hope this doesn't give christina a reason to bother me.

i check the mirror behind my door to fix my hair and noticed i didn't bring my hair tie. "shit," i whisper to myself. it's not like it matters, considering i'm in my office all day, i just don't want to get bothered by it.

i let it go, and sat on my desk and start the tasks that was set for me. i go through the paper work that was neatly stacked on my desk. i seen a note on one of the folders that was stacked aside.

"come to my office 1pm," it wrote


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