15. heartbreak

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i stood in the elevator, my heart is racing, i don't want to stand christina right now, but evan is right, if i'm not ready now, i won't ever be. i brace myself once the number 6 shows up on the screen and the elevator door opens.

she wasn't at her desk, it looked empty and untouched, i sighed in relief.

i stood in the elevator about to press the first floor, until i see the door to the private room open. i see a woman i've never seen before walk out in a robe.

she was gorgeous, she looked like a magazine model, she was slim and was a bit darker then me, she had long black hair but it looked messy. she resembles me a tad bit, not too much but we could pass as cousins with our feature similarity.

we met eyes.

she ties the robe and fixes her hair as she walked up to the elevator to greet me

"may i help you?" she ask, tracing me away from analyzing her appearance.

"oh sorry, i was just looking for christina i mean miss rose," i quickly correct myself

she squints her eyes at my slip up

"she's in the shower right now, i can tell her you stopped by," she says after taking in my appearance from head to toe.

"no need, i was just... never mind. don't tell her i was here please," i say in defeat

"why? nobody is allowed up here ever, so why are you so comfortable with showing up to her office willingly?" she ask me

"no reason," i say

"no. i wanna know, what do you need her for that i can't simply deliver to her," she says to me with suspicion.

"it's private," i say

she laughs in my face

"private? nothing is private between crissy and i, so whatever you have to say to her you can say to me," she says firmly keeping her eyes on mine.

okay bitch, have at it.

"tell miss "crissy " that i apologize for thinking she just wanted to sleep with me." i say making it short and simple not wanting to give her too much detail.

i walked a few steps backwards into the elevator and press the 1sr floor ignoring her hard gaze on me.

i see the door to the private room open but before i seen a figure come out, the elevator door closed completely.

i sighed, for so many reasons.

once i reached the first floor the elevator door opens, i walked straight into my office to see claudia and evan waiting for me at my desk. claudia sitting on my chair behind my desk and evan sitting in front of her where he was sitting before.

they both looked at me when i closed the door.

"so? how'd it go? claudia is already caught up," evan says, standing up for me to sit.

i broke into tears. (i know it's dramatic, but i thought i had something going on with christina. even tho it was barely starting but i sworn i felt something legit, i seen the potential she was talking about, especially in the garden.)

"woah, what the fuck happen, did she scold you? yell at you? fire you?" claudia adds sounding angry

"did she break it off?" evan asked with sympathy

i sat down on the now free chair evan was sitting on across from claudia. evan closed the curtains to the glass window for privacy.

they were silent, waiting for me to speak up

i sighed and rubbed the tears from my cheeks.

"she had another woman in there," i finally say quietly

"so what? could be an assistant?" evan says trying to reassure me

"no. nothing like that at all, it didn't feel like she was working there, or working for her. she had on a robe, she was sweaty and her hair was messy." they looked at me with confusion at the sound of my previous observation.

i continued, "christina has a private room in her office that i'm pretty sure she lounges in or brings people in for pleasure, i don't know but it's odd." i spoke my last words to them.

they stayed quiet and looked at each other

evan kneels down to my level and grabs my right shoulder with his hand, "i'm gonna say this as your friend, miss rose is a whore and since you were morally responsible enough to tell her you didn't want to fuck her, she went on and found a whore just like her to do her nasty work with, you dodged a bullet."

i didn't react, i just looked down to the floor listening to his words.

"she's lucky she's my boss, i would've handled her," claudia says getting up from my desk.

"no need, she'll get hers," evan responds to claudia

"i just wanna be alone guys," i spoke up quietly

"are you sure? all your gonna do is be stuck in your thoughts," claudia says, walking up to me bending down to my level with her hand on my knee

"i don't know, I'm just embarrassed." i say, still looking down

"what can we do? we're all yours," evan says

"thanks guys," i gave a small smile looking straight at them as they're both kneeling down in front of me

"i felt this way when apollos dad left us." i continued

"at least you guys didn't have sex or anything too serious, so just think of it like that, it only lasted a week or so, at least it happened now before things got too deep," evan says, shrugging it off.

"you wanna get outta here?" claudia says looking up at me.

"yeah, let's go have a drink, you need it," even agrees with her

i nod, agreeing to the idea. i don't mind ditching work, fuck christina.

we leave out the firm. it was only 12pm

we all rode in evan's car


30 minutes had passed riding in evan's car

"where are we going? it's only 12:35 and i didn't plan drinking at noon," i say looking beside evan from the passenger side

"it's a surprise, we're not drinking yet," evan laughs

i turn away from him looking out the window, and he turns into an empty parking lot, i scoped the scene from the front window to get a better view to where we were located. i observed a wide black building with no signs on it.

"this is creepy, i'm not in the mood for pranks"

"creepy? it's broad daylight." claudia says from the backseat

evan parked his car and shuts off his engine. "just follow me inside," he says getting out from the car with claudia and i following behind.

we enter the black building and there were neon lights lit up all around inside, as we go deep into the building i seen arcade games, with a skating rink in the middle of the room, and a bowling alley towards the end of the building past the skating rink.

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