18. big trouble

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monday came quick, i didn't get home until 9pm on friday. apollo and esmeralda fell sleep on the couch with a movie on. i spent a lot of my time with apollo this weekend while esmeralda went out with her new boyfriend i still have yet to meet.

it's 11am now, i've been jittering since i woke up hoping christina doesn't bite our heads off from ditching work on friday. but so far so good. unless i thought.

my work phone rang and i jumped from the noise, scaring me out from my thoughts, i took a deep breath hoping its was a customer.

it wasn't

i answer the phone and before i could speak up i heard a voice interrupted the word i almost spoke

"in my office immediately" i heard a firm voice say through the other line then clicked.

"shit" i say to myself before i close the office phone

i got up from my desk and walk to the door to open it and i see claudia and evan already at the elevator waiting for me.

claudia looks like she seen a ghost and evan is smirking at me   

i walk through the lobby until i reached them both at the elevator

"you ready?" evan says still smirking as he wraps his arm around my neck

"fuck no, you're crazy to be smiling at this, christina is PISSED"

"that's the point, we got what we wanted"

"no, you got what you wanted"

the elevator door finally opens and we all step in

claudia is quiet, i look over at her to check on her

"you okay?"

she hums, when claudia is in distress she stays silent for however long. 

i look up at the screen until it reached 6, my heart sank once i heard the elevator ding.

it opened and christina was leaning in front of her desk with her arms folded. i cleared my throat as we all walk up to her.

she kept her eyes on me the whole time, not even looking once at my co workers walking beside me.

we all stopped close enough to her at least 10 inches away.

we didn't speak, the room was filled with silence for a few seconds before she spoke.

"who do you think you are leaving this firm without permission and still being clocked in? you don't get paid for having fun with each other outside of this business," she finally spoke up, loud and clear.

"sorry miss rose" i hear claudia say lowly keeping her head down.

christina didn't look at her, she kept her eyes on me as if she was speaking to me only.

"miss rose if i may" evan speaks up after claudia

christina breaks eye contact with me to look at evan with an annoyed expression

"we were just checking up on our good friend here, she was in distress and highly upset especially with you. so my bad if we ditched the firm to rebuild our lovely friends mental health, maybe you should've done the same since we had to pick up your pieces. so you should be thanking us" evan says showing an unbothered expression.

my eyes widen at his statement, my face changed color and i felt my ears, cheeks and neck getting hot. i can't even run away from this.

christina kept her gaze at evan and the eye contact between them was stiff, i felt tension between them and the air in the room was getting clogged.

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