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"Huang Renjun."

"Park Jisung," he shook the hand of his opponent before the two of them got into their cars.

Jisung was particularly worried about this race, since he heard from other racers that Renjun used dirty play often. He glanced over at the crowd, Naeun and Juri were there as they always were. He mentally told himself to not fall for any tricks, since he really didn't want to get hurt and make his girl worry.

The race began, and as usual, Jisung was in the lead. He effortlessly swerved down the path, dodging anything in the way. It was all going smoothly.

That's when he noticed smoke coming out from underneath the hood of his car. The race had only just become, so naturally Jisung was concerned. He's never had smoke come out from under his hood this early in a race. But he ignored it for now and kept driving.

Jisung could practically see the finish line approaching. Renjun was left far behind and the boy was at a great advantage. But before he could actually cross the finish line, the smoke increased. Jisung could smell it when his windows weren't even open.

He immediately stopped the car, rushing out and getting a good distance away. And as soon as he did, the car burst into flames.

. . .

Naeun had been mindlessly munching on a corn dog, barely paying attention to the race. Juri had managed to drag her yet again and the girl was bored out of her mind. Juri had disappeared on her to go talk to a group of girls she met and Naeun was alone. She leaned her forearms against the barrier, taking another bite of her corn dog, not even bothering to wipe off the mustard smudged on the side of her lip.

That's when she noticed it. Her corn dog dropped right out of her hand, body trembling. He was tempted to jump over the railing, but that wouldn't be possible.

She hadn't noticed Jisung leaving the car, so her first thought was that he was still inside. Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes as the scene of her brother replayed in her mind. She was instantly jumping to the worst conclusions.

Naeun watched as people rushed over, trying to put out the fire. Her pulse was beating erratically. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she watched the burning car. It had been exactly as she feared.

Juri, who also saw the car, immediately rushed over to Naeun, who was already a mess. She engulfed her best friend in a big hug, stroking the back of her head.

"He got out of the car," she whispered. "Don't worry, he's safe. I saw him."

"R-really?" Naeun said in a trembling voice, her breathing quick and uneven.

"Nothing happened to him," she said soothingly. Naeun's body relaxed, but her tears came to no halt.

The organizer of the race stepped up on a platform and spoke into a megaphone. "Due to technical issues, this race will end here. Refunds will be held at the stand over there."ng

. . .

Jisung unzipped his suit, letting the top hang off of his waist as he went over to Chenle's small tent.

"Yo, what the hell happened?" Chenle asked.

"He probably did something to my engine, it started overheating all of a sudden," Jisung sighed, grabbing a water bottle from the table. "Luckily I noticed it in time and got out."

"Well, your car is fried now. Quite literally."

"This isn't the time for jokes," Jisung sneered.

"You should go see Naeun. Juri called me and said she's a sobbing mess right now, thinking you got fried or something."

Jisung didn't need to be told twice. He ran over, hopping the barrier. He was looking left and right for the girl, until he spotted her standing with Juri. He didn't even have time to react when she sprinted towards him, her arms locking around his waist.

"I thought something happened to you," she murmured, her voice croaky. Her face was buried deep into his neck, tears dampening his skin.

Jisung was still shocked by the sudden contact, his arms awkwardly up by his sides, unsure of what to do. He hesitantly placed a hand on her back, trying to calm her down.

"I-I'm fine,' he said, rubbing her back. "I'm a professional, you know? I can tell when something is about to happen."

Her grip only tightened, but her sobs were getting quieter. "Are you really okay?"

"I'm fine, sweetheart," he pulled her away slightly, using his thumb to wipe her tears.

Naeun sniffled, her hands formed into fists on his chest. She was feeling so many emotions at once and had absolutely no control over them. She hugged him again, her cheek pressed against his chest.

To say Jisung was flustered would be an understatement. Usually he would be the one initiating any sort of contact. He tentatively hugged her back, his chin resting on top of her head. He was feeling all giddy at the thought of Naeun being this concerned for him.

Meanwhile, Juri and Chenle in the back were fangirling over this rare moment of peace between them.

"And she still says she doesn't have feelings for him," Juri sighed, her head nestled on Chenle's shoulder.

"Idiots, really," he chuckled.

Stuck | Park Jisung [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now