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It's only been a week since the media posted the announcement, but I still feel like shit. I thought that maybe if the public knew about it, then it would be easier to get over him, over us; but it wasn't.

I am lying in bed, wishing I could be in my own, but instead, I am in a hotel in a city I don't know. I chose to perform in Tampa, Florida when I was planning the tour because Joe and I were planning to visit the city. It was something we had talked about for months, how we could visit, walk on the beach, and see the sunset. But now, I don't feel like leaving my room at all.

Someone knocks on the bedroom door. I tell the person behind the door to give me a minute while I jump out of bed and put on a sweater. I open the door, wearing only a sweater and very short shorts, expecting it to be Tree. My cheeks turn red as I realize it's not Tree but a 6'5'' man. It's Will, my annoying bodyguard.

"Hi, your backup dancers want to go around the city today since the first show is only in two days, and they asked me to ask you. I don't think it's a good idea since I didn't have time to organize your safety, and you've been crying all day anyway, but Miss Paine thinks you should," he says.

He looks a bit mad that Tree made him ask me, even though he said he couldn't guarantee my safety 100%. One thing we can say about this man: he knows about safety and really works to keep me safe, maybe too much. I'm sure he doesn't want me to go, so I ask him,

"What do you think I should do?" already preparing myself to argue because he would refuse, and I wanted to go so much (no I don't, but he doesn't have to know).

"I think you should go. It might change your mind. And your eyes are prettier when they aren't all sore from crying," he says, surprising me.

My cheeks turn redder than they already were.

"Oh. Okay. Sure... What about my safety?" I manage to sputter.

"It's fine. I'll make it work. They are leaving in an hour," he says and winks at me before leaving.

As I get ready, I see a message on my phone. It's from an unknown number. Curious, I open it.

Hey, Wendy. I heard about you and Joe. I'm sorry. I'm in Florida for a few weeks. Do you want to meet, like a date?

I feel a smile on my face. I knew who it was from, and I couldn't be happier. I forget all about Joe and me and don't even take the time to think as I answer.

Yes. Tonight at whatever bar you like?

A few minutes later, I receive a new notification.

I see Wendy is excited to see me ;) It works for me. See you at 5 pm. I'll text you the place later.


I am walking down the stairs of the hotel to join the group in the lobby. I am wearing a sundress with a pink purse. My hair is in a ponytail, and I have sunglasses on my head. I look good; I actually made sure to look super good because I wouldn't have time to come back to the hotel before my date.

Everyone is looking at me as I join them. I say hello to everyone, and we head for the city. I think they planned some activities. I am excited and actually enjoying myself. I even laugh, something I haven't done in a while.

As we exit the hotel, I feel a hand on my back. It's Will.

"Make sure to keep your glasses on your nose, and if you don't feel comfortable or anything, you tell me, and we come back," he says, concerned. I nod.

"By the way, you look good," he smiles, making me blush. I thank him and join the others. If I didn't know him, I'd say he was flirting with me, but he isn't. Last time I asked him if I should wear my green cap or the red one, he told me he couldn't answer and asked me to keep our relationship strictly professional.

The Alchemy - A Bodyguard Romance- Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now