I can see you

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I feel a hand gently shaking my shoulder, waking me up. I must have fallen asleep while reading; my book is still resting on my chest, and my headphones are playing a random song from my playlist. It's Tree, now shaking me more vigorously, which suggests the plane has landed since it's almost empty.

"Taylor, we've landed. I'll wait for you in the car," she says.

I gather my things, searching for my gloss. I finally spot it under my seat and lean in to retrieve it, noticing that Will is no longer in the seat next to me. I jump when I feel his hand touch my bare back.

Blushing as I realize it's him, he leans closer, his breath warm against my ear. "So, will you be a good girl and return my shirt, or should I come and take it from you?" he murmurs, his voice sending a shiver down my spine.

I glance around to ensure no one overheard us, but he gently takes my chin in his hand, guiding me to look at him.

"There's nobody but us, so what do you want to do?"

"Right now, there are people waiting for us outside," I reply, considering his proposition. The thought sends a thrill through me, making me acutely aware of my own arousal.

I meet his green eyes and nod.

"Words," he insists.

"I'll be a good girl," I respond. His smile is both triumphant and mischievous.

He lifts me by the waist and places me on the table, positioning my feet on his seat while he stands between my knees. I giggle as I slowly start to remove my jacket, taking my time to tease him.

"I see you like to tease," he says with a grin.

As I finally pull my shirt off, exposing my bare chest, he gazes at me for a moment before stepping closer. Our bodies are nearly touching, and I can feel the warmth of his body through my underwear. My breath quickens as our lips almost meet, but he pulls back, handing me a shirt. It's not one of mine; it's a blue one with a navy seal logo.

Confused but excited, I slip it on quickly and rush to the door.

Descending the stairs, I see Will waiting by the car, his sunglasses on, his demeanor unchanged despite what just happened.

"Hey, you took your time," Tree remarks as she waits for me at the end of the stairs. "I almost came back to check if you were still asleep," she jokes.

"Sorry, Tree. I couldn't find my gloss," I say with a smile, and she returns it as we head to the car.

"You changed your shirt," she observes.

"Yeah, I spilled water on the other one," I lie.

"I've never seen that shirt before. Is it new? It looks like a male size. Is there a boyfriend I should know about? You know, so I can handle the media," she asks.

"Yes, it's new and yes, it's a male size, but no, it's not from a boyfriend. And yes, I'd tell you if I was seeing someone," I say loudly and clearly, making sure Will hears the last part.

I bid Tree goodbye and sit in the back of the black pickup, followed by Will. The ride is silent; a darkened window separates us from the driver. My fingers fidget restlessly, betraying the tension I'm trying to mask. The warmth of his body beside me only heightens my longing, but I can't be the one to make the first move.

Feeling like he's reading my mind, Will takes my hands in his, stilling my nervous fingers.

"Listen, I like you. I really do, even if you can be pretty annoying, exasperating, and bossy sometimes. But what happened on the plane crossed a line, and I can't let it happen again. If Miss Paine finds out, she'll fire me. I can't afford that," he confesses, looking directly into my eyes.

I stare back, unsure of what to say.

"You're not saying anything," he notes.

My gaze shifts from his eyes to his lips. Unable to resist any longer, I connect our lips. He pulls back in surprise but quickly reconnects them. I settle on his lap, making it easier for him to access my lips. He tries to slip his tongue into my mouth, but I deny him entry. He squeezes my ass, causing me to moan against his lips, which gives his tongue the opening it needs. Our kiss starts gently, as if we're afraid of breaking the other, but soon turns into a desperate and passionate exchange.

He slips one hand inside my shirt, resting it on my waist and pulling me closer to him. My left hand tangles in his hair while the other rests on his chest.

As the car makes a sharp turn, I slip from his lap onto the seat next to him. We break apart, breathless, our chests heaving as we try to catch our breath.

"Tay, we can't do this. Didn't you hear me?" he says.

I look at him playfully and begin to sing

"I've been watching you for ages
And I spend my time trying not to feel it
But what would you do if I went to touch ya now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
What would you do if we never made a sound?"

He laughs and pulls me back onto his lap, and we resume our heated make-out session as the car continues on its way.

The Alchemy - A Bodyguard Romance- Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now