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I wake up to the sound of the engine and the shaking of the plane. I feel a little dizzy and off, a lingering unease from yesterday. There's a bad feeling in my gut. Will is sitting next to me, wide awake, staring at me. It startles me for a moment, making me jump.

"Good morning, Princess," he says with a smirk.

"Hi, Mister." I joke "How long have you been staring at me? Have I been asleep for a long time?"

"Yes, pretty much the whole flight. It's already 4 p.m.," he laughs.

I blush a little and make a funny face to tease him. He brushes my hair behind my ear and gives me a light kiss on the lips before standing up to grab our bags. Since last night, things have been better between us. We talked and agreed to take a break, but even though we're technically on a break, we're flirting more than we did when we were together.

I smile to myself before joining him in the car outside. As I get in, I jump onto his lap.

"You know, a break can have breaks too," I say with a smile, but he doesn't smile back. He leans as far away from me as he can. Offended, I slam my hand against his chest, a little mad.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to kiss me anymore?"

He's not even looking at me; he's staring at something behind me. Suddenly, I get goosebumps and that weird feeling that someone's watching us. I slowly turn around and see two brown eyes glaring at us. The redhead, to whom the eyes belong, looks both angry and concerned.

I quickly move off his lap, feeling embarrassed and scared of her reaction.

"Hi, Tree... I, I... we..." I stammer.

"Don't bother explaining. I already know, just like the rest of the world," she sighs and shows me her phone. It's open to a news article with the headline, 'Taylor Swift and Her Bodyguard: A Love Story?' with multiple pictures of Will and me outside the bar last night, his arm around me, kissing my forehead.

"Fuck," I mutter.

"Yes, fuck," Tree repeats. I try to defend myself, but she doesn't give me a chance. "First of all, I would have liked to hear about this from you, not from the headlines and social media. Second, how long has this been going on? A week, a month?"

"Almost seven months, but it wasn't that serious," I whisper.

"Seven months? That's not a fling; that's a full-on relationship."

"We just wanted some privacy. I'm tired of sharing everything with the world. It was our thing. Just ours."

"Fine, that's your excuse. What about you, Will?"

"I... I was scared of you, and I didn't want to lose my job," he says, trying to sound confident but not quite pulling it off.

"You wouldn't have lost your job, but now that it's public knowledge, I think it would be best for you to resign," she says firmly.

"No, there's no way! I want him here," I shout.

"I'm sorry, Taylor, but it's not safe for your boyfriend to also be your bodyguard. It's just not going to work out."

I was about to argue, but Will stops me.

"It's okay, ma'am. I understand. You'll find my resignation letter in your inbox tonight," he says.

I'm left speechless. He doesn't even fight for us—he just gives up. My eyes water, and I don't even try to look at him.

"But I'm not planning on giving up on our relationship," he then says, taking my hand that was resting on my knee. I let out a breath and look him in the eyes. He looks determined and confident, which reassures me.

"That's not what I'm asking. You just can't be her bodyguard anymore, but I have nothing against the boyfriend thing. Actually, I have to admit I kind of knew something was going on between you two. And by the way, remind me to ask Jack and Aaron to give me ten dollars—I guess I just won the bet," she smirks.

I feel more confident now that Tree knows, but I'm sad that Will can't be my bodyguard anymore. We stay silent for the rest of the ride to the hotel, my hand still in his, my head resting on his chest. He plays with my hair with his free hand and kisses my forehead every chance he gets. I guess our break didn't even last 24 hours.


I'm cooking in the kitchen of the hotel room when I feel arms wrap around me. It's been a few weeks now since the world found out about us, and it still feels surreal. I've tried to stay away from the headlines, but I had to check social media to see what my fans think of it. Most of them are happy and excited to learn more about us and discover who Will is.

Our relationship has never been better. We spend all our time together, and this time, we're really together. We walk outside with our hands intertwined, he kisses me under the moon, we sit together at restaurants—we're really together.

He kisses my neck and pulls me back against him. I can feel him harden against my ass. I push back into him, teasing him even more. He picks up on my intentions, putting his hand on the side of my leg, slowly moving it up, while his other hand rests on my lower stomach under my shirt, ensuring I don't go anywhere. He sucks on my neck as he slips his hand inside my PJ shorts. I let out a moan as his fingers find my clit, still sucking on my skin. I play with his hair while he enters two fingers inside me, moving them back and forth until I come.

He turns me around and carries me to the bedroom, connecting our lips in a long, loving kiss.

The Alchemy - A Bodyguard Romance- Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now