This is what you came for

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As I leave the stadium and wrap up the European leg of the tour, I feel my heart squeeze a little, knowing all of this is going to end soon. I look out the window; it's pouring rain, and the traffic crawls at a slow pace. A wave of melancholy washes over me when suddenly, strong arms wrap around my body. I lean against his chest as he kisses the top of my head. In his arms, I feel safe—untouchable, like nothing in the world can hurt me. He understands me without needing words.


I'm back at my Rhode Island house now. Since I'm on break, I plan to spend some much-needed time with my friends and family. I've invited my parents, my brother Austin, Selena, Blake, Ryan, and my longtime friends Ashley and Claire. I'm planning on relaxing—partying, going to the beach, and just chilling with them, catching up on their lives. I also need to officially introduce Will to everyone. He's already met some of them before, but not as my boyfriend.

I've been planning everything on the plane, so by the time we finally arrive at the house, I'm exhausted. I collapse on my bed and drift into the deepest sleep, full of wild dreams. When I wake up, the sun is already high in the sky. Will isn't next to me, probably having gotten up an hour earlier. I check myself in the mirror before heading downstairs. I'm wearing a black nightgown, and my hair is a mess of what used to be a bun.

After fixing my hair and freshening up, I head to the kitchen, drawn by the irresistible smell of something delicious cooking. Will is making eggs and pancakes, while on the table, there's a plate of neatly cubed fruit and two glasses of orange juice. He's also brewed fresh coffee, and I notice hash browns roasting in the oven. Everything looks and smells incredible.

We eat breakfast together, talking about everything and anything. I love our conversations—nothing particularly important needs to happen for us to enjoy each other's company. We always manage to find something to talk about.

For the rest of the morning, we relax on the balcony, overlooking the sea. The view is stunning, made even more beautiful by the warm weather of these last summer days.

In the afternoon, guests begin to arrive. Selena is the first, followed by Claire and Ashley, with Blake and Ryan not far behind. My parents and Austin arrive shortly after. Once everyone has a drink in hand, I stand on a chair and call for everyone's attention.

"So, hi everyone! I'm so happy you could all come. I'm incredibly grateful to have you in my life, and seeing you all after so much time—gosh, it feels like forever—fills me with so much joy. Someone else who brings me joy is Will. Some of you may have met him before, as he used to be my bodyguard. I know it sounds a lot like a Wattpad story—the famous singer and her bodyguard—but I can honestly say our Whitney Houston/Kevin Costner romance is the best thing that ever happened to me. Will, thank you for making me feel seen and loved, for protecting me, and for making me laugh every day. I love you."

Though everyone's eyes are on me, I'm only looking at Will. He's gazing back at me with that big smile I adore.

"I love you too," he replies, raising his glass toward me. I blow him a kiss before finishing my speech.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming. Please, enjoy the food!"

Will helps me down from the chair—it's tricky with my heels. I'm wearing a short sundress with high heels, light makeup, and my hair pulled back into a ponytail. Will, dressed in a black shirt and pants, looks effortlessly good. Together, we make sure everything is in place—the spread of pies, cakes, vegetables, and burgers—and Will takes charge of grilling the meat on the barbecue.


As the evening wears on, the sound of laughter fills the air. The smell of barbecue mingles with the salty breeze from the ocean, and I take a moment to step back and absorb it all—the conversations, the smiles, the clinking of glasses. This is my world. These are the people I love. And in this moment, everything feels perfect.

Will catches my eye across the lawn, and for a second, it's like we're the only two people here. I walk over to him, and as I approach, he smiles, wiping his hands on a towel.

"Having fun?" he asks, his voice low, just for me.

"More than I've had in a long time," I say, wrapping my arms around him. He pulls me close, and we stand there for a moment, just the two of us, watching the party unfold around us.

In this simple, fleeting moment, I know something for certain—life can change in a heartbeat, but right now, in Will's arms, everything is exactly as it should be.


hi I am back sorry I didn't have time to post, I hope you enjoyed the chapter

The Alchemy - A Bodyguard Romance- Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now