Chapter 4: Avocado toast

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Time passes and your relationship evolves in an unpredictable and fascinating way.

In front of others, you seem like bitter enemies: every of your interactions is loaded with sarcasm and barbs, as if the air around you was thick with endless rivalry; colleagues watch you with a mix of amusement and confusion, trying to understand the reason for such apparent animosity.

But, there is something deeper that only you know.

When the door of his office closes behind your back the tension melts away, like snow in the sun, and it's like that room is a secret refuge, a world apart where you could reveal your true selves; but every time the door re-opens, you are back to wearing your masks returning to trading barbs, pretending indifference and maintaining that facade of enmity.


"You haven't eaten yet today"

"Why are you asking me this? Do you have to check my diet too or just..." you say, stopping however when you notice that he has placed an avocado toast on your desk before returning to the office.

After hearing his door slam, you look around and notice that you are alone... Again...

<It's really difficult to make friends with others colleagues...> you think while eating the food that Toto brought you, laughing at the memory that that dish revokes you, and then you get back to work.


It's evening, your shift is over and you can't wait to get back out of the motor home because your friends are already outside, in the car, waiting for you to go out to eat together; however, you don't forget to go and thank your boss for today's lunch, so you head towards his office and knock on the door.

"Come in"

You go through the door reaching his desk.

"I'm going, my shift is over, but I wanted to thank you for today's sandwich"

"There's no problem, but you can't skip lunches. I noticed that it's not the first time and I don't even want to hear the excuse of <the others don't invite me>. Can't you eat alone? You happen can come in my office, so we can eat together and..."

You don't even let him finish talking.

"No, don't worry. I'll bring my own lunch from now on"

He stands up and walks over to you, sitting on the desk and looking you straight in the eyes.

"It's difficult to make friends here, isn't it? They're not bad people, they just have some prejudices; they'll see your worth when you demonstrate what you're, they'll change their minds"

His comment strikes you, almost moves you.

"See, I'm not just beautiful then"

A smirk appears on his face, while he is putting his hand behind your neck using it to bring your body closer to his; he approaches your neck, touching it with his lips, and this sensation sends shivers down your spine, leading you to wrap your arms around his chest. That response to his stimulation turns his sighs into passionate licks and then into hickeys, which he leaves along the length of your neck.

"Don't leaves marks please"

"Why not? You don't want people to see some hickeys on your pretty skin? Are you scared of they asking who left those lovely marks, doll?"

You remain petrified, both by the situation and the fact that he has read your mind, and him, seeing you like this, makes his lips travelling to another sensitive spot on your neck.

"Susie might find out about you"

At that sentence he detaches himself from your neck, to look you straight in the eyes.

"What a smart girl. Smart, confident and cute"

"what we're doing isn't right, it's unfair... We should stop and maintain a professional relationship... " you say, going against your feelings, seeing that he doesn't feel guilty about what he's doing to his wife. 

At that sentence he finally breaks away from you, standing up and going to sit back on the chair behind the desk.

"I don't agree but if you think so let's try, I know we won't be able to stay apart my doll"

"I have to go now, my friends are outside waiting for me. See you tomorrow" you only say, shocked at how he gave up on you so easily but at the same time happy that you didn't ruin a family. 

"Have a nice dinner, don't miss me too much"

At his words you stand speechless at the door, still and nervous; seeing you like this, perhaps too amused, he approaches you saying phrases like <the sensation of my kisses on your neck... My hands on your body... My voice in your ear...> and then he closes the door in your face, laughting loudly.

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