Chapter 24: yes

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It is the cool and sunny December morning of your wedding's day; you wake up in your bright room of the elegant boho chic farmhouse you booked in San Cataldo, located between the austrian and italian mountains so the perfect place that represents the union of your origins.

Next to you are your childhood friends and your mother: you laugh and chat, while a team of hairdressers and makeup artists ensures that every detail is perfect.

When your makeup and hair are done, you sit around a solid wooden table, decorated with wildflowers and scented candles: on it there are boxes of McDonald's ordered through an overpriced Deliveroo, because you are lost in the mountains, and each of you eats your meal carefully, worried about staining your dresses.

Your dress is a boho chic dream, light with lace details and a billowing skirt that gently sways in the wind, and your friends wear coordinated pastel dresses, while your mother looks radiant in an elegant cream-colored dress.

All the morning you laugh nervously, trying to keep the anxiety that inevitably accompanies such an important day at bay...


In the afternoon you head towards the church, an ancient chapel located in the picturesque village. Outside the facade is decorated with garlands of white and green flowers, perfectly in tune with the boho chic style of your wedding, and inside the atmosphere is magical: the ceiling with frescoes depicting celestial scenes well matched your planned choices, lit candles illuminate the interior reflecting on the dark wooden stalls, floral decorations adorn every corner and the sun's rays filter throught the stained glass windows, that tell biblical stories, creating a play of light and shadow on the stone floor.

The wooden pews are adorned with silk ribbons and small bouquets of wildflowers while a carpet of white rose petals has been laid along the central aisle; the altar, magnificently decorated with candles and floral arrangements, is the focal point of the church, attracting all eyes with its simple and elegant beauty.


Your heart pounds as you approach the entrance.

The music begins: a slowed-down version of the Formula 1 theme fills the air, stirring emotions among the guests; the deep and solemn notes of the organ resonate through the ancient walls, creating a touching atmosphere.

As you enter you see the familiar faces of your relatives and friends from Italy, all present to celebrate this moment with you, and the ones of the paddock and FIA people, friends and colleagues of Toto, are also there; the priest, who has known you since you were a child, has come especially from Italy to officiate the ceremony and his warm smile reassures you as you approach the altar, where Toto waits with an emotional and happy look.

You asked Zak to accompany you down the aisle, unsure if your father would be able to catch the plane and come, but when you enter the church you see him there and your heart fills with joy; with a smile that betrays his emotion, he and Zak position themselves, one on your right and the other on your left, and together they accompany you down the aisle to Toto.

The biblical readings are carefully chosen and speaks about love, patience and dedication; during the ceremony, the priest shares also anecdotes from your childhood, bringing smiles and tears of emotion to the guests.

The moment of the vows, written from the heart, is a touching moment, and your voices are trembling with emotion but are surely full of sincerity and love.

"My dearest Toto, I still remember the first time we met and how nervous and unsure I felt, wondering if this was just a fleeting moment or the start of something meaningful. We faced challenges and doubts along the way but through every trial your unwavering support and gentle love have been my anchor. Today I vow to cherish you with the same care and devotion you have shown me. I promise to be there for you, to laugh with you in moments of joy and to comfort you through life's storms. I will hold your hand through all of life's ups and downs, just as you have held mine through our journey. I love you now and forever and I am grateful for every moment that has led us to this day" you say, shivering for the emotions.

"My love... I still remember the first time I saw you, how my heart skipped a beat and how I felt this inexplicable connection between us. We started our journey with many obstacles but each challenge we faced only made our bond stronger. From those early days of uncertainty to this beautiful moment you have been my greatest joy and my deepest love. Today I vow to be your strength when you are weary, your comfort when you are troubled and your partner in every adventure that life brings us. I promise to love you with all my heart, to support your dreams and to stand by your side through every season of our lives. You are my forever and I am honored to call you my partner in this beautiful journey" he says, with a tender look at your crying.

When you pronounce the fateful <yes> applauses and tears of joy fill the church; your union is now blessed and you feel all the love and support of the people you care about.


After the ceremony you head to the reception venue, an elegant renovated barn surrounded by snowy fields and decorated with twinkling lights; you arrive in a beautiful vintage convertible Mercedes, shining under the soft evening lights, driven by your husband and guests greet you with applause and smiles as you step out of the car.

Dinner is an unforgettable gastronomic experience. Each table is decorated with raw linen tablecloths, wildflower centerpieces and scented candles and the menu is a mix of Italian and Austrian specialties: Parma ham and local cheeses as appetizers, truffle risotto and Wiener Schnitzel, all accompanied by fine wines from the surrounding regions.

After dinner, the celebrations begin. Music fills the air, as everyone gets up to dance, and your friends organize fun games, one of which involves Toto: your best friend challenges him to remove your garter with his mouth; laughter and applause erupt, while your father watches the scene with a mix of surprise and shock.


Towards the end of the evening you feel the need for some fresh air, so you take Toto's hand and together you step away from the barn into the cold winter night; the sky is clear, full of twinkling stars, and the silence of the countryside is broken only by the distant sound of music and laughter from the party.

He looks into your eyes, his face illuminated by the soft light of the lanterns hanging around the barn.

"You know," he begins "today has been the happiest day of my life. Every moment, smile, tear of joy... Everything was perfect because I shared it with you. You are my light, my strength and I couldn't imagine my life without you"

He hugs you tightly and you feel the warmth of his body enveloping you but then, with a gentle movement, he lifts you off the ground, bringing you face to face with him; your eyes meet and, in that moment, the world seems to stand still.

Toto gives you a sweet yet passionate kiss, his lips brushing yours with infinite tenderness; it deepens and you feel his deep and sincere love in every moment.

When you finally part, both breathless, Toto start whispering in your ear.

"I love you more than words can express. You are everything to me, today and forever"

With those words you feel happier, more loved than ever and ready to face the future together with the man you love.


Seeing the approaching of the waiters with the cake, Lewis and Lando, exchanging a knowing glance, decide to step outside the barn to search you; they find you and Toto embraced in sweet and passionate kisses, a moment of intimacy and love.

Lewis steps forward with a sly smile.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here? The cake is waiting and it's definitely not the time to make babies now!"

Lando laughs, raising his eyebrows in jest.

"Yeah guys, now's the time to have fun and enjoy the party! You've got plenty of time to think about starting a family in the future!"

You gently break apart, your faces slightly flushed and illuminated by the soft light of the outdoor lanterns.

Toto, with a loving smile, embraces you and kisses your forehead tenderly.

"It's true, there are so many moments for us to share together before we think about the future"

You smile, happy for the presence of your friends and the beauty of the moment.

"Yes, we have so much to experience together and this is just the beginning!"

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