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In the end, after a lot of arguing which was mainly me whisper-shouting at Aasim whilst he kept walking ahead and stayed silent knowing that despite my protests I would follow him, I did successfully manage to sneak into the backroom. I shamefully admit that the Hulk strength I summoned up to carry all the bags at once derived from a random desire to impress Aasim.

Lying in bed thinking about the Hulk is not how I imagined tonight would end but I did predict not being able to sleep. The reappearing image of Spadille mouthing that I was meant to be shot enters my mind every time I close my eyes. It's also impossible for me to sleep knowing that Aasim and his little sister are sleeping in the backroom of a library- not only that but they might be homeless. And what's more, what could have possibly been happening at their home, for them to leave at their young age. I know for a fact that Aasim must have a plan because he definitely would not put his sister in danger. When I met Leyna in the backroom I adored her straight away and I would not want her in danger.

I decide that I'm not going to let her be in any and the same goes for her brother. With that thought in my mind, I drift off.


Of course when I woke up, my mind was on checking up on Aasim and Leyna at the library which is exactly what I did.

After reading the most terrifying letter, put neatly in a white envelope with 'Jackie' written on it and pushed through my door's letterbox.

The person on the other side didn't know I was there whilst they pushed it through, utterly silent and utterly cowardice. It might have just been the postman but there wasn't a stamp on the envelope which means that it was delivered personally.

When I was sure that the deliverer left, I tore open the envelope and read the letter impatiently. In it was the word 'Jackie' repeated severally to form the face of Spadille. And I thought back to the men supposedly trying to kill me. And I ran up to my room to hide the letter under my pillow. And then I went back downstairs, and outside, walking as confidently as I could as if I wasn't thinking about who may be watching me leaving the house that they delivered a horrifying letter to.

Seeing Aasim rolling his eyes at me standing in front of the library like I'm a girl with nothing better to do honestly sent a feeling of normalness in me; ignoring the fact the he is holding suitcases and looks like a person who is tired of the world. I also choose to ignore his weirdness from last night after he escorted me to my house last night.

"Well, bye." he said and turned away to leave.

"What! Not even a 'thank you' for helping you?" I exclaimed. To be honest I didn't need one. I just wanted to extend the night before being left alone with my own scary thoughts.

"Why should I thank you when you literally begged me to let you help me?" he scoffed.

"Well-but-yeah but" I blubbered trying to think of something but Aasim was already walking away.

"Goodbye Jackie." he sung with his back turned and continued to walk away.

"Believe it or not, I'm happy you're here Jackie. I need you to help me with these bags." he says now and nods his head to the ones Leyna is carrying- and dropping.

"Where are you going now?" I question whilst moving forward to help and giving a wide friendly smile to Leyna who returns it.

"Somewhere to live for a while."

"How is that possible? Where is it?"

Aasim shakes his head at my nosy questions but answers anyway. "Let's just say that for a librarian, Mrs Landry talks a lot. Her son lives in another country but has an apartment at some flat here for whenever he visits her on the holidays and left his keys in the house. Fortunately for me, Mrs Landry is so immature that she's decided not to go and lock his door since she wants revenge for him not visiting this year until February meaning that he's not coming for Christmas."

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