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Yawning because it's the last lesson of the day, I read Miss Woth's comment on my attempted poetry, 'You are quite the joker I see. But I would like a more serious topic from you this time.'

"You can talk to your partner if you need help but you should be speaking only about the work," Miss Woth instructs us and starts typing on her computer.

I look to my partner Esme who is chatting with the girl behind, Mandy. I find this funny since Esme always complains to me out of class about Mandy. It gives me the idea to make my subject about fake friends.

'If I were to cry, you would be laughing.

If I was laughing you would be frowning.

If I was frowning you would be smiling.

If I was smiling, you would be plotting how to make it disappear so it would appear on your face again.

And again you would ignore me

Smiling with your other friends,

Laughing behind my back with glee

Frowning when I say I'm okay

Knowing you don't give me the time of day

But of course, you only want your way.'

When I look up, I see Miss. Woth looking straight at me with a proud smile moulded on her face. I give a small smile back.

After the lesson, whiles walking in the corridor I see Jiaying coming out of her class. I speed up my step meaning to walk beside her when Orabelle takes that place. Oof I've been, third-wheeled.

"Jacklynne!" I hear my name being called by an annoying voice. Esme falls into step beside me and starts talking about the fact that Mandy let this other girl sit in her lap and how Mandy has never let her do that. As we walk along, we near the doorway of a classroom a the line of students exit their class. I use my shorter than average height to weave through them to escape.

I rush up to join Orabelle and Jiaying as they exit the school gate. As I near them, I hear Jiaying cooing about Mr. Chay, "He's so hot! I wish he would notice me."

Orabelle, yet with a disapproving tone, snickers, "Ew but isn't he like fourty or something?"

Jiaying pats Orabelle's shoulder almost patronisingly, "My dear, age is but a number."

"Actually age is a word, Jiaying," I pipe in. Both of them seem to jump at my voice and my sudden presence.

We take a right turn to go in the direction of the bus stop. "And no wonder he doesn't make eye contact with us when he's teaching. I've noticed he always looks up at the ceiling which I thought was weird not knowing that it was your gawking that creeped him out. Well at least since school is over he has time to erase the image of your stalking eyes following his every move."

"Well he's the only reason I concentrate in maths. Thank God school is over. Because starting the school week with maths and ending it with maths- it's disgusting! Who would do that to a child?" Jiaying exclaims.

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