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Back at headquarters, Rehan peaks curiously from the back of the grouped members of the gang when we arrive. As the older ones take the man, Lola and Karla away, Belle stands next to me, observing Rehan too.

"You know, he still hasn't been much of a help," she comments.

"I know. I'll get on that." I assure her.

"Mmhm," Belle hums then starts to walk away.

Mason steps forward, scrutinising us. "Pfft, what exactly was so dangerous about this particular mission."

As if on cue, there is suddenly a blasting crash as something batters the wall of the large garage. Belle turns on her heel, looking at me through narrowed eyes.

"Were you followed?" she queries, her voice threatening.

Before I can even respond, one older member hushes us so that we all hear ticking. And we all sprint forward. An explosion erupts and screams fill the space but Belle's furious shouts overrides them and as well as the roar of the fire which covers the van.

"You were fucking followed you idiots!"

Aasim whispers, "Leyna," and dashes to find her, pushing people violently out of his way to get to her hastily and as he does so, he earns himself some dirty looks.

"Was there anything valuable in that vehicle?" Belle asks me. I shake my head to express no. Most members rush out, weapons at the ready to find out who caused this or to douse the fire. I instead stare at Rehan to see his reaction. He catches my eye and walks towards Belle and I.

"What do I do?"

Belle is already irritated, so Rehan's stupid question adds fuel to the fire, making her grapple for his neck.

"Stop being such an annoying shit and tell us what you saw at the crime last week!"

"Yeah I know you want that but I meant what do I do now?"

Belle's temper rises. She lifts him by his neck, strangling Rehan until his face starts morphing into a shade close to purple. She spits in his face and settles on throwing him onto the ground, leaving a wheezing and coughing Rehan struggling for air as she runs out to assess the situation.

"I hope you know there are worse consequences if you don't reveal what you know. The time is ticking." I tell him. In response he glares up at me from the floor then extends his hand expecting me to help him up. I walk away from him and he groans. It may be harsh of me but I saved his life which was honestly pointless since he hasn't been useful at all. Belle could get in trouble because of me vouching for him and I cannot let that happen.

Rehan groans again but this time he speaks after. "Thanks pal," I hear Rehan muttering to somebody. I turn back around to find to my surprise that it's Mason helping him up.

"Mason. He is an asset. Not a member. Not a friend. And so far he hasn't said a word to help us. Leave him on the ground," I direct Mason. Mason considers but continues helping him up.

"Mason-" I begin but to my shock he drops Rehan back onto the ground again. Mason pats Rehan on the back condescendingly before preceding to squat on him.

"What the hell?" Rehan exclaims.

"Seems like your time is up buddy." Mason tells Rehan coolly.

"Huh no that's not what I...", I start to explain.

"He's a waste of space and living here for free. I'll beat him up for you." Mason declares.

"Excuse me!" Rehan yelps. Beat him up for me? I register Mason's eyebrows which are raised expectantly at me and I gather his meaning. He wants me to interrogate Rehan. However, this isn't my department and I haven't been trained in interrogation.

"I-I haven't been trained," I stutter for an excuse.

"Just begin." Mason pressures exasperated.

"Um, well Rehan what do you know?"

Mason furrows his eyebrows at me and I shrug. Rehan doesn't speak. Mason spots Rehan's neck and lightly touches the bruises on them. "Where are these from?"

"Okay okay I'll talk." Rehan cries. I almost laugh when I realise that Rehan thought Mason was threatening to recreate those bruises himself whereas Mason was actually just curious. I think. Another reason I almost laugh is because I don't have to embarrass myself trying to amateurly interrogate someone.

"All I saw was-"

"Jackie!" my name is suddenly called out. I see Jiaying beckoning me outside.

"Keep talking to him." I tell Mason who nods, before I run out to where Jackie and Zeth are standing.

"Look at this." She zooms into a video on Zeth's phone. I watch intently as two figures jump out of the rapidly moving truck which soon crashes into the garage wall.

"Can you identify those people Zeth?" Belle's voice inquires. I didn't even know she was standing behind us. Her stealthy and silent motion is probably why she's a top member of the organisation and noticed by Spadille.

"They were well covered but from one camera angle, the side of one of their faces showed. I could look into that," Zeth answers.

Belle nods in approval. Aasim joins us. Both his arms are full of Leyna who he carries so that she can sleep on his shoulder. Her legs are wrapped loosely around him but he holds her firm so that she doesn't fall. Despite the chilly night which contrasts the sunny day, the sight warms my heart.

"Where's Richard?" Belle looks at me.

"Rehan. And he's inside with Mason. We might find something useful today."

"Good." She leaves us. We make our way towards the dormitories in silence. Well actually it's only left with Aasim, Leyna and I since I turn around to find that Jiaying and Zeth have sneakily departed like shadows moving in the night. That leaves Aasim and I alone in awkward silence.

"So..." Aasim begins, not knowing what to say.

"We should definitely keep that van we stole," I intercede for him, trying to bring our relationship back to normality.

"Definitely," he agrees concedingly. "Either that or we learn how to install cameras in the exterior mirrors in our vehicles too."

"Yeah it's cool that Zeth discovered it."

"Yeah." Uncomfortable quiet blooms between us again.

"So how's Leyna finding Year 4?" I ask.

"It's fine. Get's a bit complicated when it's parent's evening though. Me being a legal adult now legitimises things now but... it's like I never got to be a child."

"Oh Aasim I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, it's fine. She makes it all worth it." Aasim pats Leyna's hair gently, closes his eyes and breathes her in.

"You know, you rarely talk about your mum, Aasim." I comment as we enter the building and walk upstairs to the dormitories.

"It's not a subject I want to talk about. Leyna asked about her enough for a long time and... I feel guilty that she's not asking anymore-about her own mother."

Aasim lays Leyna in her bed when we enter her room.

"She's heavy I won't lie but I don't want her to grow up too fast like I did." I hear the tremble in his voice and step closer. He's looking at Leyna but I have no doubt that he's trained to be alert enough to sense any tiny movement, including mine.

"So I'll keep carrying her for as long as she wants, I'll keep letting her sleep on my shoulder for as long as she needs and I will do it forever, if Leyna asks me to." Tears start streaking down his face. They glisten in the faint moon light streaming through the windows.

"I will make sure she gets the care I lost from my parents."

I take a larger step towards Aasim and take his hand to turn him about. He faces me but his head hangs down and I hear a sniff.

"Aasim..." I imagine rubbing my thumb against his soft cheek tenderly and wiping away his tear. But I know I can't, proven by the fact that when I reach out my hand, he sharply inhales and walks straight out of the room. 

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