Chapter 17

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Auria's POV
The van stops at a spot in the parking garage of the court house and Miss Isabella gets out of the van first. She inspected the area and opened the door and everyone started piling out. Of course I'm the last one out because I was all the way in the back. Miss Isabella called on her headset to someone and said "we are on the move assemble." Out of no where five girls in like super spy looking outfits come out and surrounded us. Miss Sofia turned and said "the lawyer and nick will be meeting us in room 13 and asked for specific walking in orders. Back line Christian, Nick, Joey, Alex. In front of that Dani, Lauren, Amy. Next line Katherine, Lisa, Michael. In front of that Lynne, Mike,Blair, Sofia. Point of line Auria and Christina." She placed the five other security guards and herself into formation and we walk towards the building and right before Isabella opened the door I looked at mom and she squeezed my hand tight and said "Boo are you ready?"

Christina's POV
Auria closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and out. Sofia bent down to Auria and said "sweet pea if you need me at any point if this is too much for you or you need a moment I'm right here. You are brave and strong now let's go do this." Auria looked back at me with a smile and the doors opened. We walked in and go down the hall to where the sign says rooms 1-20. Auria has a fearful look on her face and I just squeezed her hand and a smile appeared. We turned into room 13 and of course she jumped right into my fiancés arms because I swear that girl loves him more than she loves me. We all piled into room and sit at the table that surprisingly sat all of us plus some more. The lawyer turned to us and said "Auria it's so nice to meet a cutie like you! I'm Miss Brittany and we my friend are going to make sure you are safe at all times." Auria looked at me and I nodded my head at her while Nick and I both held her hands. Brittany looked at me and said "they might call her to the stand to testify. Their lawyer has already told me that it is a possibility depending on what we do. My goal is to make sure her story is heard to this judge in a way that you all are comfortable with." I looked down at a staring Auria and over to Sofia who was walking towards her.

Auria's POV
"How do you feel kiddo?"
"Auria, talk to me sweetie"
"Auria it's okay to cry"
I didn't realize that Miss Sofia was right in front of me talking to me and I jumped into her arms and just cried. Mom turned to Miss Brittany and said "how hard will it be to keep her off the stand?"
Miss Brittany said "I don't know. I won't call her to the stand but we can't stop their lawyer from doing it."
We heard a knock on the door and than a courthouse worker came walking in and said "hello I'm Lydia and wow you have a lot of people here to love and support you Auria! I'm Judge Hannah's assistant and we are ready for you sweet girl."
Mom looked at Lydia and said "is the other party in there yet?"
Lydia said "no they will walk in after your party is all settled in."
I took mom's hand and said "okay let's go kick some..."
Mom jumped down up and said "Auria Cimorelli no ma'am we don't use that language here"
"I was going to say knees" and everyone looked at me and started laughing.

Miss Brittany's POV
I chuckled and said "Alright we heard Auria we are going to kick some knees here. I'm going to put you in the same order to walk into the courtroom that y'all walked in here so we can make sure who is needed sits in the right spots but now First line is myself, Christina, Auria, and Nick."
Auria grabbed Nick's and Christina's hands and we went to go into the courtroom when Auria froze. I stopped everyone from walking because Auria would not move. I looked out the corner of my eye and there her birth siblings were talking to the press. They must have gotten them involved because we all agreed no press at all. I looked at Christina and she swooped Auria up and carried her in. We all got settled and than Lydia walked over and said "the defendants are getting ready to walk in."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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