Chapter 11

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Christina's POV

Did this lady just call Auria her daughter? I took off running with Auria and the bags in my hands to the truck. Her breathing is back to a normal speed now but she is still freaked out. I placed her in the truck and she doesn't want to let go of my neck. I decided to just sit in the passenger seat and called my mom.

Lynne's POV

I don't know why Christina is calling right now. I answered and I hear Auria crying and freaking out. I said, "Auria tell me what happened!" Christina said "Mom it's me. Auria's birth mom and dad were at the mall today and we went past them and they caused a scene when they saw me with her. She won't let me put her down so I need you and someone else to come so they can drive my truck." I called Mike and we left the house right away and got there in ten minutes. We get to the mall and Christina is holding Auria. A man and lady started walking towards the truck from the other isle when I was talking to Christina and Auria started freaking out again. I took Auria from Christina and placed her in the truck with mike and told her "Auria mom and I will be home soon. Stay with Grandpa and leave now!" Mike took off with Auria and I go to Christina's truck. This couple screamed "Auria we want to see you" as mike took off. I said "Excuse me but who are you?" The lady looked at us and said "I'm Auria's mother and this is her father we just..." I cut them off and said "You do know you have a PFA against you correct?" The guy said "I know but we are struggling we want our little girl back." I said to Christina "come on honey we will go back to your daughter and contact our lawyers." As we were getting in the car the lady said "no no no there is no need for this!" We took off and Christina started shaking she said "mom what do I need to do to protect my little girl?"

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