Chapter 2

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*possible trigger warning*

Christina's POV

We are driving home and Auria is sitting inbetween Katherine and I. She is tugging on her sleeves and began shaking her leg. I placed my hand on her leg and said "Auria it's okay I get like this too and if you want to talk know I'm here for you." She looked at me and nodded. My mom started passing back a new phone and said "Auria this is for you. All of our phone numbers are programmed and if you need anything please do not hesitate to message any of us." She was silent until the phone got to her and I noticed she made a group text and said 'thank you.' My mom texted me and my sisters into a group chat and said 'keep an eye on Auria. We know she has a hard time trusting people, is known for causing trouble, has an eating disorder, and is known for running away when she can't express her emotions. You girls are all going to need to help and step up a bit.' We all responded and we arrived at our house and Auria's jaw dropped.

Auria's POV

This is insane this house is big just like the orphanage. Mike jr grabs my bags out of the van and brings them upstairs to the hallway. We entered the house and Lynne sat everyone down to have a talk. Mike Sr says "Auria we just have some rules to tell you before everyone goes wild, but first if you want you can call Mike Jr Michael so you don't get us confused." I nodded and Lynne said "first you have to be present at ALL family meals. That is a time that we spend together as a family since we do have some crazy lives." I nodded even though I was upset because I don't enjoy meal time. Lynne said "second, we are going to homeschool you just like Christian, Joey, and Nick. Everyone else was homeschooled but they have graduated." Mike said "third, we need you to let us know where you want to go before you leave this house and you need our permission." I nodded and Lynne said "also if you need to talk or need someone one of us is always available." I nodded again and Christina said "last thing is us six girls are in a band and we make YouTube videos. We are going to just ask you to not be in the videos until we decide what will happen in five months." I agreed on all the rules and Mike and Lynne held us girls back while they dismissed the boys. Lynne said "Auria you have a choice of sharing a room with Christina, Kath, and Amy or sharing a room with Lisa, Lauren, and Dani. Which room would you want?" I pointed to Lauren since I knew I can possibly get away with a lot more in that room and we moved my bags into the room. All of the girls helped me put the bed sheet onto my bed and helped me empty my tiny suitcase into a dresser drawer. Lisa noticed I only had ten items of clothing and said "Auria do you  want us all to go shopping tomorrow?" I nodded and emptied my two book bags. 

Lisa's POV

As we were emptying Auria's suitcase I noticed that she was hiding something in her book bag. I didn't realize what it was but when she noticed that I was looking at her concerned she jumped and stuffed her bags inside of her suitcase and slid it under our bed. I pulled Christina into her room. "Lisa what are you doing!" Christina said. "listen Auria is hiding something and I don't know what. She hid it when I noticed it and stuffed it inside of her suitcase" I responded. Christina said "Lisa we need to give her time. She just arrived today." Mom screamed for all of us to go downstairs for dinner and we all gathered around the long table. Auria went and sat next to Lauren and Dani and put a spoonful of broccoli and a small piece of chicken onto her plate. She sat there and she was playing with her food while everyone was talking and I took my phone out and texted the sister group chat 'Auria isn't eating.' Lauren looked at me and mouthed 'do I try to get her to eat.' Auria started getting anxious I noticed and she started shaking and rocking back and forth and was getting aggressively playing with her food.

Christina's POV

I noticed Auria was freaking out so I got up and picked her up to secure her into a hug. I brought her into the den and mom and dad followed. Auria started crying hard and wrapped her legs and arms around me. She is 11 but she is a tiny little thing. I sat there rocking her back and forth while mom and dad were rubbing her back. She started to calm down and dad said "Auria darling do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head no and mom said "listen Auria we know about your eating disorder honey and we are here to help you through it." Auria nodded and we brought her back into the kitchen. Everyone else was cleaning up and we cut her plate in half and mom said "Auria, you need to eat at least half of what's on your plate and Christina and you can have dinner together. Once you are done you two can go do something." Auria nodded and they left the two of us alone.

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