Chapter 12- Moving In

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CHAPTER 12- Moving In

___Anna's Pov______

"Baby, I love you so much. Why do you do this to me?" Ryder asked me, kissing my knuckles gently.

"Ryder, I have a problem. It's just my way of dealing with situations." I responded a bit sadly.

"Well, what do I do without you around me at school?" he asked sadly.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

"Babe, come on. You know you can't keep all your anger in your head. You have to talk about it." Ryder said to me kissing my cheek.

"Ryder, you know what.I'll tell you everything if I can stay at your house instead of with that stupid Alex and his slut of a sister." I said upset.

"Okay, fine.Pack your stuff and put them in my car.My parents won't mind." he said kissing my lips lovingly.

"Ryder, I'm just kidding. I can't stay at your house. My mother would not allow it." I said upset but kind of happy of how quick my boyfriend would allow me to stay at his house.

" Since when the rebellious teenager care what her mother thinks?" Ryder said pulling me closer to him by placing his hands on my hips.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and put my arms around his neck.

" Babe, just sit and talk to me." he said gently removing my hands from around his neck and bringing me to the bed.

" Fine. I'll tell you but don't going running off after you hear my life story." I said frankly.

He tilted my chin up with his hands and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Anna, I love you. I really don't care how bad your life was before you met me. You could have murdered someone and i would still stay by your side." he said so seriously, it caused a tension in the room, but not a bad one. One filled with admiration towards him.

"Urgh! Can we stop with the romantic statements. That's so cheesy!" I said trying to change the atmosphere as I laughed.

He let out a nervous laugh in response. I looked at him and told him the truth.

"Okay.Here goes." I breathed out a shaky breath and begun.

"Everyone knows I hate my mother.When I was six, she left my dad . My dad used to take drugs and alcohol and I eventually did it myself . It was my way of accepting what she had done." I said a bit annoyed.

"I think she left because my dad was abusive towards her, but I don't quite remember. But why would she leave me with him? She left and did not contact us until I was thirteen. I hated her so much. I felt betrayed and heartbroken. She is such a horrible person! I was left to take care of myself all on my own. No one to tell me that they love me, give me presents and tell me happy birthday or good job. I grew so depressed that I cut myself for three years straight when I was thirteen. I don't know why I'm not dead yet! I- ii.."I began sobbing loudly.

"Shh! Anna, love it's okay. It's good to let it all out." Ryder said comforting me.

I composed myself and smiled, my lips still quivering. I hadn't cried in years. Normally, I would get violent, never cry. I cried every night for a whole year when my mother left. After that, I grew a hatred towards her and soon almost everyone in my life.

"Anna, you need to tell her how you feel. Did you ever take counseling ? Have you even thought of therapy?

"Just help me pack and stop  talking." I said wanting to get away from the topic. He did not push the topic any further and he did as I said.

In one hour, we were done packing and putting my stuff in his car. He left in his car and I left in mine. I didn't want my mom taking my belongings so I had Ryder take my stuff to his house.

I drove to meet my disgusting mother in her new house with her new lover. Just thinking about them made me want to barf.

I parked on their lawn and barged into the house.

"What are you doing here?" Alec's sister asked.

"I don't have time for fool questions. Where's my .....mother ?" I asked in disgust.

"Oh, my sweet step mom does not deserve you as a daughter. But, if you should care, she is in her room, planning my birthday party." she said jeering at me.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood." I responded not blinking an eye at the little witch.

"You should be, after all, I set up a huge room for you in the basement. You can rot there....I mean stay there, like the de..." she couldn't finish her statement because she was holding her nose in pain .

I punched her straight in the nose, which was probably plastic anyways. I laughed as blood poured from her nose.


I went up the staircase leading to my mother's room. Her door was wide open and she wore a lovely white flowered dress, and actually looked nice.

"Hey." I said casually.

"Hello to you too Anna.How are you?" she asked," I see you have arrived at your new house, I'm sure Alec would love to give you a tour.That is ..." she was interrupted by me.

"About that, Ryder asked me to move in with him and so I shall be leav..."she cut me off, adding her disdainful words.

" You must be kidding.You must be mad if you think I would allow you to..." I interrupted her.

" Watch me." I told her knowing what she was about to stay and stormed out of the room.

" Oh no you don't." she said chasing after me and grabbing my shoulder roughly.

" How dare you." I said to her about to slap her but someone held my hand.

"Let go of me Alec!" I said in rage.

I turned around about to hit him but as my hand was about to knock the wind out of him, I was met with a stranger.

" Let go of me. I don't know you." I said trying to calm down myself.

" I'm sorry. Please, let me introduce myself. I am John, John Sharp. I didn't mean to interrupt your argument but I just could not stand watching my beautiful fiancé being hit my her daughter." he said sadly .

" Very well then. If you could excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I said trying to get away.

I was honestly embarrassed to be seen so violent by Mr.Sharp. He was a very well known man and very humble, unlike his children.

I stomped down the stairs and I could hear my annoying mother not too far behind.

" Anna, if you leave this house, I'm not going to.." I cut her off.

" Save your breath." and with that I slammed the front door open.

I got into my car and drove off. My boyfriend and his wonderful family were waiting for me.

When I got to Ryder's house, I knocked on the door and his father greeted me with warm arms into his dwelling.

_____End of Chapter ______

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