Chapter 10- Huge Mistakes

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CHAPTER 10- Huge Mistakes

_____Anna's Pov_____

Getting up for school is the worst, especially when I don't have any vodka to drink. I'll have to go to a store to buy some. I was still tired from last night.
I got into my bathroom and was greeted by a hideous monster. My eyes and face were still red and flushed from all my crying last night. I got into my shower and took a long bath. I then got out and put a blue fluffy towel around me. I went to my closet to look for an outfit but when I got there I nearly had a heart attack. All my clothes were gone! In place of all my beautiful expensive clothing was cheap long sleeved everything!!

"Ahhhh!" I shouted in agony.

I went to look for my school clothes and almost threw up. Everything was the exact size given at the beginning. The skirt was 2 inches below my knee.
My mother is really spoiling her chances with me.

I put on the clothes and cringed. I look too innocent. I decided to leave my hair dropped and walked downstairs to be greeted by the evil witch.

"Morning." I muttered under my breath.

"Isn't this better? Your clothes were like an eight year old's own so I redid your closet." she said smirking.

It took all my self control not to put my middle finger up for her. My hand was twitching to do so.

"Have some breakfast."she said, well more like commanded.

"No thanks." I said and was about to walk out the door when she grabbed me fiercely by the shoulder, causing me to jerk on a side.

"Don't touch me." I said ripping her fierce grip off my shoulder.

"I am your mother. You will do as I say. Now sit down and eat before I get pissed." she glared at him.

I glared at her and walked out. I got to the garage and got into my car. I then sped out of my house. I stopped at Starbucks to get something nutritional to eat and to drink some coffee.

After, I drove to school. Everyone was shocked at my attire. They expected me to be in a short skirt but I was in a normal length skirt.

I got to my locker and Kate stood there looking upset, but that changed when she saw me and how ridiculous I looked.

"Oh my goodness!"she laughed," what are you wearing? Now this just made my day."

"So not funny.You know I would never wear something like that .My stupid mother made me come to school like this .I hate her. She even tried to force me to eat her horrible food but I drove off on her." I said disgusted .

"You poor thing but anyway ,we have important issues to discuss .Jenna is not doing well at all."she said.

My face immediately paled.

"What happened?" I asked in fear, "Don't tell me..."

"Yep it's true .You already know what I am going to say .Yep. She is..." Kate informed me.

"That's horrible!How did that happen?I am so confused .This is...... this is terrible !She's too young for this. How will her parents take this and what is David going to do about this?" I asked scared.

"I have no idea. She didn't even know that she was until yesterday, when I visited her for our usual Sunday hangout, I realized that she looked a bit sick. She said her head was hurting her and her stomach as well. She thought it was her period on the way but then she told me that she has been throwing up every morning for the last two weeks. I immediately got her a pregnancy test and it turned out positive." Kate informed me.

"Where is she? Is she alright?" I asked concerned about my sweet little Jenna.

"She's home. She was still feeling sick and did not want to go to school or see David. She wants to avoid him at all costs although she still loves him." Kate said sadly.

Suddenly, a rage built up inside of me.

" I am going to kill that man. He cannot take advantage of his students like that." I said upset even though I knew that he was loyal to Jenna.

I was storming to his office when Alec came out of no where towards me.

"Move." I said, my eyes were seeing red.

"No." he said and blocked my path still.

I really wasn't in my mood to argue with him so I walked away trying to find another way to the Business block.

However, Alec came and grabbed me fiercely. I immediately got out of his grip.

'Don't you ever touch me!" I shouted, causing everyone's eyes to fall on us.

" You know, I decided to fogive you about my car." he said causing me to scoff but before I could respond, he beat me to it.

" After all, that's what family is for." he smirked at me.

" How dare you call me your family. We are in no way related." I said.

He smiled victoriously.

"I'm your new brother. Your mom is dating my dad." he said which caused me to explode.

I immediately attacked him with a punch to his face and a kick to his groin area. I was so pissed. He now lied on the floor clutching his precious jewels.

I then spit in his face. Tears prickeled my eyes as he totally embarrassed me by telling the entire school a stupid rumour which I knew couldn't be true and the fact that Jenna was pregnant got me more pissed.

I ran to the Business block where David was. I entered his office and as soon as he looked up at me, I slapped him hard across the face.

I then went to the back of the school where I decided to have a joint. I was just starting to feel high when I heard people coming my way. I was too out of it to notice the two teachers who grabbed me and brought me to the office. I was already dosing off when I was brought to the nurses' office and I had blacked out by the time the ambulance arrived.


End of chapter 10- Huge Mistakes

Hope you enjoyed.

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