Chapter 8- The devil

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CHAPTER 8- The devil

_____David's Pov________

"Babe, you miss me. I missed you. I've been calling and texting you for the past months. Did you change your number?" the irritating voice sounded.

"What are you doing here? I thought they fixed you." I said annoyed.

"Oh no hun. They tried to but I was just too fab for them." he said snapping his fingers.

"Jace, you have a serious problem. You're gay. I don't deal with people like that." I said only to receive a slap to my face.

"Why I never!" he said still offended.

"I don't have a problem if you're gay but I don't appreciate you being in liking with me." I said, making myself clear.

"Oh, so you don't like me? I know you don't like me. You love me baby. Oh, I can take it no more. Just take me. Take me right here." Jace said looking at me with a weird look.

"Jace, stop." I said sternly as he got closer to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

Suddenly, the door was open and our heads snapped to the person who had saved me from the devil.

I looked and my heart broke when I saw Jenna there with a shocked expression. I then realized Jace's hands were still over my shoulder.

"Who are you?" Jace said with his girly tone.

"A student here." she responded, not sure of what he expected her to say.

"Really. Girl with that out fit I almost took you for a...." I cut Jace off by stepping on his feet.

He immediately shut up . The girls had modernized their outfit and may I just say, Jenna looked hot.

I pushed Jace off me and went to Jenna.

"Let's get out of here." I whispered in her ear and kissed her in front of Jace.

"David! You're cheating right in front of me? David! You stop it right now!" Jace's whining voice shouted.

"You need serious help Jace." I said and walked out with Jenna. The halls were empty so I slung my hands over Jenna's shoulders and we walked out of hell, or as you know it,school.

When we got in my car, Jenna watched me in my eye and her eyes held a look of confusion and hurt.

"David, who was he?" she asked a little fear slipping in her voice.

"That was Jace. He was a past student of mine from last year." I said.

"You mean, he was your boyfriend. David, don't lie to me, I know you were gay." she said sadly.

That statement got me upset and I hit the steering wheel hard, causing her to sink in her seat.

"Jenna, I need you of all people to believe me. I am not gay. I was never gay. Jace is gay. When I taught him, he was weird. He acted like a girl. One day, after school he attempted to kiss me and Anna walked in. She spread rumors around the school. Of course, everyone believed her because Jace acted as if he was in love with me. That's just messed up. I reported Jace and he was kicked out of school and his parents took him to a psychological camp to help his disorder since he admitted what he did. Now, he's back and I don't know why. I guess he's back in town and wanted to visit me." I admitted truthfully.

"Thanks for telling me the truth. I knew you were not gay. I was just testing you. I don't think a gay guy could be so good in bed." Jenna teased me.

"Ohh, the innocent girl isn't so innocent again." I teased her. We soon got to my house and the rest was business. After all, I am a business teacher.

______Anna's Pov_______

When I got home, my dad was there but he did not notice my appearance. I walked up the stairs and into my room where I blasted music. I stripped from my clothing and put black shorts and a big long sleeved plaid shirt. I let my hair loose and decided to take a sniff of my joint.

I think I was high for a while until my dad called me down for dinner. After eating, I smoked a cigarette and discarded of it when the doorbell rang.

Maybe my boyfriend came to visit me. After all, I miss his company. Last I saw him was at school.

I opened the door and was face to face with the devil.

I slammed the door in her face before she could say anything.

I stomped away angrily.

"Anna,who was at the door?" my father asked.

I ignored him and went to my room. I was half way up the stairs when he called me back down. I didn't want it to seem like he could not control me so I went back downstairs.

"Anna! It's been so long, look how big you are!"she said looking so happy making me want to gag.

She grabbed me into a hug but I pulled away.

I suddenly felt a sting on my face. Did she just slap me.

"Are you smoking....No daughter of mine shall smoke. What were..." I cut her off by slapping her hard on her face, and when her next cheek was exposed, I slapped it too.

"How dare you come into my life after so many years and act like you own me. I am no daughter of yours. You are not worthy to be my mother so why don't you just leave!" I shouted at her.

My dad just watched in silence. He knew better than to interfere when I was upset.

I had gotten my anger and violence from him. He used to smoke and drink a lot causing him to be violent. He would abuse my mother like she was his dummy.

That's one of the reasons why she left. I hate her for leaving without me but then again, my house is huge, kind of like a mansion so why should I complain.

I stormed back into my room and went into my walk in closet. In there was a cabinet full of alcohol that was very intoxicating and I never had reason to use it until today.

I sat in my closet and drank until that was the last thing I could remember.
The devil causes you to do things to yourself especially when she personally visits you.

____End of chapter____

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The pic of the house is Anna's mansion.

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