28 Battle Begins

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Captain Ashiro Mina was out of the base for a meeting with the generals, leaving Hoshina to lead the soldiers as the impending battle with the unknown kaiju is about to begin.

Hoshina glanced at Aki, his expression softening with concern. "You don't have to fight. You still haven't finished your one-week rest."

Aki hesitated, "But Vice Captain Hoshina..."

"It's alright, Aki," Hoshina said, smiling gently. "Go and rest. We will handle this. And like I said, call me Soshiro."

Aki nodded, her heart pounding with both anxiety and determination. She watched as Hoshina hurried to the operations room, where he found Okonogi already monitoring the situation. "Status report! Locations of the kaijus?" Hoshina demanded.

Meanwhile, Aki returned to her room to take safety, her mind racing. As she passed through the corridors, she saw Kafka, Ichikawa, and others rushing to the rooftop, ready to defend the base.

In the operations room, Hoshina analyzed the movements of the flying kaijus on the monitors. "They're definitely being controlled," he muttered, pinpointing the likely location of their leader. "Okonogi, maintain the defense here. I'm going after the source."

Hoshina's determination was palpable as he left the operations room, his mind focused on the mission ahead. He knew that finding and eliminating the kaiju leader was crucial to ending this attack.

Aki watched from her room's window, anxiety gnawing at her. She wanted to be out there, fighting alongside her comrades and protecting the base. Her thoughts kept drifting to Hoshina, knowing he was facing immense danger. She had to trust in his strength and skill, believing they would all come out of this fight victorious.

As the alarms continued to blare and the sounds of battle filled the air, Aki's resolve hardened. She knew that despite being ordered to rest, her heart and spirit were with her fellow soldiers.

Ai Generated: Love and War (Hoshina Soshiro x OC x Narumi Gen) Where stories live. Discover now