56 My Place

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"Oh, come on now, Captain Narumi. I just started talking to Aki, and now you want me to leave?"
Hoshina said, his usual smile firmly in place as he remained seated on the bed, calm and seemingly unbothered by the tension in the room.

Aki glanced up at Narumi, who stood there, seething with barely-contained anger.

The intensity of his emotions directed at Hoshina made her worry. She could see that this was more than just a casual disagreement; Narumi was genuinely furious, his protective instincts for her fueling his irritation.

"No! You go out of here and get back to Division 3. Your soldiers are waiting for you outside!" Narumi barked, stepping closer to Hoshina, his frustration evident in every word.

"They've already left, Captain Narumi. I told them not to wait for me since I would be talking to Aki," Hoshina replied, his tone still infuriatingly composed, as if Narumi's anger hadn't even touched him.

Narumi, scrambling for a reason to get Hoshina to leave, blurted out, "Then don't talk to Aki here at work! You go now and le—" but his words were cut short when Hoshina suddenly stood up, still smiling.

"Alright, Captain Narumi, Aki and I will leave, so we can talk outside of Division 1. Right, Aki?" Hoshina's tone was gentle, almost sweet, as he turned to Aki, his eyes meeting hers with a calm that only deepened Narumi's frustration.

"What? No! I'm not allowing Aki to go with you! She has training to do! Right, Aki?" Narumi's voice had an edge of desperation now, his gaze turning to Aki as if pleading with her to side with him.

Both men looked at Aki, their gazes heavy with expectation, waiting for her response.

Aki, nervous and unsure, stood up slowly.

She looked at Narumi, her voice soft as she said, "Captain Narumi, if I could just borrow some time and talk to Vice-Captain Hoshina, I would greatly appreciate it. I promise to train longer tomorrow."

Narumi, despite his seething anger, found himself unable to resist Aki's earnest plea.

Her eyes, so pure and sincere, broke through his defenses, making it impossible for him to deny her request.

It wasn't just the words she spoke, but the way she looked at him—trusting, hopeful, and with a hint of vulnerability.

He sighed, his resolve crumbling under the weight of her gaze. "Tch. Fine, but be back before 7 PM. Got that?"

"Yes, sir," Aki replied, her tone shy yet grateful.

"Well then, Aki, shall we?" Hoshina's voice was gentle as he walked towards the door, gesturing for Aki to follow him.

There was a subtle softness in his eyes as he looked at her, a warmth that contrasted with Narumi's bristling demeanor.

Aki hesitated for a moment before bowing slightly to Narumi, then followed Hoshina out of her quarters.

The door closed behind her, leaving Narumi alone in the room, clenching his fist as the reality of the situation hit him.

The thought of Aki being with Hoshina gnawed at him, a mixture of jealousy and frustration swirling within him. "Tch," he muttered, watching the door with narrowed eyes.

As Aki and Hoshina walked down the corridors of Division 1, Aki kept a few steps behind him.

Her mind was racing with thoughts, questions, and emotions, all of which she struggled to find words for.

The silence between them was thick with unspoken tension, and the walls seemed to close in around her as they neared the exit.

They stopped outside the building, and Hoshina turned to Aki, his expression serious but still carrying that soft edge. "Wait here, Aki," he instructed gently, his voice holding an almost tender quality.

Aki nodded, her heart pounding as she watched him walk away.

The moments ticked by, each second feeling like an eternity as she stood there, anxiously waiting.

Her thoughts were a chaotic mess—worries, hopes, and the fear of what this conversation might mean for them.

A sleek, black car—a luxury vehicle with tinted windows and polished chrome accents—pulled up to where Aki was standing.

The car's engine purred softly, the sound almost comforting in the quiet of the late afternoon.

The door opened, and Hoshina stepped out, his demeanor as calm as ever, but there was a glint in his eyes that hinted at the emotions he kept buried beneath the surface.

He walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for her. "Get in," he said, his voice gentle, the smile on his face warm and inviting.

Aki climbed into the car, her nerves still on edge. As she settled into the plush leather seat, Hoshina closed the door and got in on the driver's side.

The car's interior was spacious and quiet, the world outside seeming distant as they drove away.

Hoshina glanced at her from time to time, noting how she stared out the window, lost in thought.

His heart ached seeing her like this—so close, yet feeling miles apart.

He wanted to reach out to her, to reassure her, but he wasn't sure how to bridge the gap between them.

"I also asked Captain Ashiro for a day off after the meeting so I could talk to you," Hoshina said, breaking the silence, his voice filled with a sincerity that matched the concern in his eyes as he glanced at her quickly.

Aki responded with a faint "Hmm," her gaze still fixed on the passing scenery, her thoughts too tangled to untangle just yet.

Traffic slowed them down, and the silence in the car grew heavier.

Hoshina, unable to stand the distance between them any longer, reached out and gently took her left hand, which rested on her lap.

His touch was warm, steady—offering comfort without words.

Aki turned to him, surprised, her eyes wide as they met his. His usual calm was still there, but his eyes now held an intensity, a depth of emotion that he rarely allowed others to see.

"Let's go to my place," he said, his voice gentle, yet carrying a weight of unspoken feelings.

Ai Generated: Love and War (Hoshina Soshiro x OC x Narumi Gen) Where stories live. Discover now