36 Dinner at Division 1

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As dinner time approached, Aki made her way to the bustling cafeteria of Division 1.

The room was a hive of activity, filled with the clatter of trays and the hum of conversation. The scent of various dishes wafted through the air, making her stomach rumble in anticipation.

Aki felt a mix of curiosity and nervousness as she stepped inside, her eyes scanning the crowded room. Almost all the seats were occupied, and the majority of the faces she saw belonged to men, all engrossed in their meals and conversations.

Her entrance did not go unnoticed. Heads turned, and soon, almost all eyes were on her. She felt the weight of their gazes, a mixture of curiosity and admiration.

Aki knew she was somehow attractive, but being the center of attention in a room full of strangers made her feel uneasy. She clutched her tray, scanning the room for an empty seat.

Just as she was considering finding a quiet spot outside to eat, a familiar voice cut through, "Aki chan~ come over here!" Narumi's playful voice called out. She turned to see him waving energetically, like a child calling his pet.

Aki nodded and made her way to their table. Narumi was sitting with his officers, including Vice-Captain Hasegawa. The others were faces she didn't recognize yet, as Narumi hadn't bothered to introduce them.

As she approached, Narumi patted the seat beside him, grinning widely. "Come sit beside me," he said, his tone playful. Aki hesitated briefly before taking the offered seat.

As she settled down and started to eat, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being closely watched. Glancing to her side, she found Narumi staring at her intently, a smirk playing on his lips. His eyes twinkled with amusement and something else she couldn't quite place.

"You're even more beautiful up close," he murmured, leaning in slightly. The compliment made her cheeks warm, and she quickly looked down at her food, trying to hide her blush. "Thank you, Captain," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.

Narumi chuckled, clearly enjoying her reaction. "Oh, come on, Aki-chan. You don't have to be so formal with me. We're going to be seeing a lot of each other. And besides," he leaned in even closer, his breath tickling her ear, "I like it when you blush."

Aki's blush deepened, and she tried to focus on her meal.

Narumi wasn't done, though. He tilted his head, studying her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, Aki-chan, I've been thinking. A beautiful girl like you must have a lot of admirers back in Division 3. How did you manage to leave them all behind?"

Aki fumbled with her chopsticks, feeling flustered. "I... I just wanted to do my best here, Captain. It's not about leaving anyone behind."

Narumi smirked, clearly amused by her discomfort. "Well, you're here now, and I have to say, Division 1 just got a lot more interesting. Don't you think so, Hasegawa?"

Hasegawa continued eating without acknowledging Narumi's antics, his focus seemingly unbroken. The other officers at the table, a mix of men and women, reacted differently. Some of the male officers echoed Narumi's sentiment, offering their own compliments, while the female officers glanced at her with envy.

"Hey, back off from Aki-chan!" Narumi playfully scolded the other male officers, his tone possessive, like a child guarding his favorite toy.

Despite the initial awkwardness, Aki found herself smiling a little. The atmosphere, though competitive, had a warmth she hadn't expected.

Narumi, noticing her smile, blushed slightly himself and calmed down

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Narumi, noticing her smile, blushed slightly himself and calmed down. "You really are beautiful," he repeated, his voice softer, more sincere this time.

Ai Generated: Love and War (Hoshina Soshiro x OC x Narumi Gen) Where stories live. Discover now