46 Gift

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Deciding she needed answers, Aki made her way across the training grounds to find Kafka.

The sun was higher now, casting long shadows across the ground. The air was filled with the rhythmic sounds of training drills: the thud of feet against the ground, the clash of practice weapons, and the sharp commands of instructors.

Sweat dripped down her face, and she wiped it away with the back of her hand as she walked.

She found Kafka in his usual spot under a large oak tree, taking a break from his own rigorous session. His broad shoulders heaved with each breath, and his face glistened with sweat.

"Kafka," Aki called, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and urgency.

Kafka looked up, wiping sweat from his brow. "Aki, what's up?" he asked, concern etching his features as he noted her serious expression.

She hesitated, her mind racing to frame the question. "Did Narumi rescue me before? I mean... he mentioned something about rescuing me again. Do you know anything about that?"

Kafka's expression shifted to one of concern and thoughtfulness. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, glancing around to make sure they had some privacy.

"I guess no one told you, but when General Shinomiya challenged you to fight him, Captain Narumi stepped in just as he was about to strike you one last time," Kafka explained, his voice steady.

"I don't know every detail, but that's what I heard from the other soldiers," he added, his eyes searching hers for understanding.

Aki's heart pounded as the shock of the revelation sank in.

She had always seen Narumi as childish and teasing, but she had no idea that he had saved her. A profound sense of gratitude and confusion swirled within her.

As lunchtime approached, Aki went to her room to grab something before meeting Kafka.

The corridors were quieter now, the hustle and bustle of the morning drills subsiding.

Together, they walked to the cafeteria, the clatter of dishes and hum of conversation growing louder as they approached. The scent of food wafted through the air, mixing with the earthy smell of sweat and the faint metallic tang of the training grounds.

They found a table and sat down, the atmosphere more subdued than usual.

As Kafka ate, he glanced at her, concern still evident. "Aki, I forgot to ask, what happened with your call to Vice-Captain Hoshina?" he asked, his voice carefully neutral.

Aki stopped eating, her appetite suddenly gone. "I think he is mad or he just doesn't care... I haven't heard from him in weeks," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness.

Kafka frowned, unsure how to comfort her. They continued eating in silence, the weight of her words hanging in the air, until they heard Narumi's voice approaching.

"Aki-chan~ can I sit beside you?" Narumi asked cheerfully, his presence a stark contrast to the somber mood.

Aki looked up, managing a weak smile as she nodded.

Narumi plopped down beside her, yawning. "I hate meetings." He then turned to Aki and asked with a grin, "So, what are you guys talking about, huh?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Captain Narumi," Aki replied, her smile sheepish as she tried to mask her earlier sadness about Hoshina.

Narumi, sensing there was more to her mood but choosing not to press, pulled out his gaming device and started playing, ignoring his lunch.

As Kafka finished his meal and left, Aki turned to Narumi, gathering her courage.

She took a deep breath, feeling a mix of gratitude and shyness as she reached into her bag and pulled out a small box.

"Captain Narumi," Aki began, her voice steady but soft. "I wanted to give you this."

Narumi looked up, surprised, and set aside his gaming device.

He took the box from her and opened it to reveal a delicate silver bracelet.

The bracelet was intricately designed, with fine links that shimmered subtly in the cafeteria's fluorescent lights. Its elegant simplicity belied the care with which it was chosen.

Narumi was puzzled but touched. "Thank you, Aki. It's not my birthday, but thank you," he said, his tone genuine, though his confusion was evident.

Aki's thoughts wandered to the bracelet's significance.

She had bought it when she was on her way - transfer to Division 1, intending to give it to Hoshina as a sign of her love if ever they meet again.

However, the distance created by the social media picture of her and Narumi had left her feeling estranged from him.

Now, the bracelet had become a token of gratitude for Narumi, who had unexpectedly saved her despite his usual childish demeanor.

Narumi's face softened as he took in her earnest gesture. He felt a warmth in his chest, stirred by the unexpected kindness.

Aki stood up, bowed her head slightly, and said, "I'm done with my lunch, Captain. See you later," before walking away, leaving Narumi to ponder the significance of the gift and the emotions it stirred within him.

Ai Generated: Love and War (Hoshina Soshiro x OC x Narumi Gen) Where stories live. Discover now