72 We Meet Again

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"Hey kid!? Where are we?! I feel dizzy!" Hoshina's combat suit crackled, the voice of Kaiju No. 10 booming loud enough for only him to hear.

Hoshina didn't answer. His eyes, sharp and focused, scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, taking in every detail as if searching for something—or someone.

His last memory was of Kaiju No. 9, towering over Aki, gripping her neck with monstrous strength, preparing to smash her against the ground. Then, nothing.

Everything had gone dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself here.

The morning light made the streets come alive, with people casually strolling, chatting, and sipping coffee from takeaway cups.

Yet, as Hoshina stood there in his full combat gear, more and more people began to stare, their curious glances lingering too long for comfort.

Why are they staring at me? he thought, his brows furrowing. He shifted slightly, his hand instinctively hovering near his katana's hilt, though there was no immediate threat.

His eyes darted toward a small group of people to his left. He could hear the soft clicks of their phones—Are they... taking pictures of me?

"What the...?" His thoughts abruptly stopped as a soft, warm hand suddenly grabbed his own, pulling him out of his trance.


Aki's mind was a whirlwind of confusion and urgency. Her heart pounded as she glanced back at Kento, standing there with a puzzled expression. She bowed her head quickly, trying to form an excuse.

"I'm sorry, Kento, but can we reschedule this? I have something... important to take care of," Aki said, her voice breathless, her nerves getting the best of her. She straightened, meeting his gaze, her thoughts already elsewhere.

"Oh, um, it's alright, Aki. We can just set up another date," Kento replied with a wave of his hand, his smile easygoing as if trying to hide the slight disappointment in his voice.

Aki flashed him a quick, apologetic smile—a genuine one—and Kento felt his heart skip a beat. For a moment, he was left speechless, watching her rush past him.

"She's really cute," he muttered under his breath, feeling a light blush warm his cheeks. But before he could gather himself, his phone rang, distracting him from the strange scene unfolding before him.


Aki didn't wait. She hurried toward the small group of people who had gathered just a few steps ahead, a crowd whispering and snapping photos of someone who stood out.

And then she saw him.

Her breath hitched.

Her heart dropped.

There, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, in his full combat gear, with his unmistakable posture and those intense red eyes, was Soshiro.

He was scanning the crowd, his presence commanding, even in this unfamiliar world.

He looked just as he had the last time she saw him, but something about his expression—the way his gaze searched—made him look different.


Without thinking, Aki moved. Her legs carried her faster than her mind could catch up, and before she knew it, she was standing right in front of him.

Her hand, almost on instinct, reached out, grabbing his. His hand was strong and familiar, the contact sending a jolt of relief through her.

"Come with me!" she blurted, her voice trembling with urgency as her eyes locked onto his.

His red eyes, sharp and focused, softened as they met hers. The tension in his face melted away, his brows relaxing as if seeing her was enough to quiet all the chaos around him.

Hoshina stared down at Aki, his grip tightening slightly, grounding him in the moment.

The relief was palpable, flooding his chest. His lips parted to say something, but all that escaped was a low hum of acknowledgment.

He couldn't look away.

She's alive.

She's here.

His heart raced with so many emotions, and yet, none of them came to the surface.

Around them, the crowd had started to murmur, their voices blending into a soft buzz.

"Are they a couple?" a woman whispered.

"Is this some kind of movie shoot?" another man muttered, pulling his phone up for a better shot.

"She's really pretty. Maybe an actress?" someone suggested, their eyes glued to Aki and Hoshina as they pushed through the gathering onlookers.

But neither Aki nor Hoshina paid them any mind. Aki led the way, her hand gripping his tightly as she wove through the people.

Her heart raced, but she forced herself to stay focused. She had to get him out of here. The familiar sound of his footsteps behind her was oddly comforting, but at the same time, her mind was a storm of emotions.

Hoshina followed without resistance, though his eyes never left her. He couldn't stop staring, even if it was just the back of her head.

Her long black hair swayed with each hurried step, her small frame moving with determination.

He swallowed hard, emotions threatening to bubble to the surface.

He wanted to pull her into his arms, to kiss her, to hold her and never let go.

"Aki..." his voice cracked, breaking the tension he had been holding inside. "I..." He tried again, his words coming out in a strained whisper. But before he could finish, Aki spoke.

"Get in the taxi," she ordered, her voice firm, though the emotion behind it trembled.

Hoshina blinked, momentarily startled, but he followed her gaze to the yellow taxi that had just pulled up to the curb. He hesitated for a second, his eyes still searching her face for answers.

"Where are we going?" he asked, his tone soft, barely masking the relief and confusion in his chest.

Aki's hand tightened around his as she opened the taxi door. "To my apartment," she said, her voice quieter now, but resolute.

Hoshina ducked into the taxi, his mind swirling with questions.

As Aki slid into the seat beside him and closed the door, the soft click seemed to seal them in their own little world, shutting out the chaos of the city outside.

The driver glanced at them through the rearview mirror but said nothing, sensing the tension between them.

In the silence of the car, Hoshina turned slightly to look at Aki. Her face was tense, her brows furrowed in concentration.

He could feel her pulse through her hand, still clasped tightly in his.

His chest tightened as he gazed at her profile, her delicate features illuminated by the soft morning light filtering through the window.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion, barely audible above the hum of the car engine.

Aki's grip on his hand tightened just slightly, but she didn't look at him.

Not yet.

There was too much to explain, too much to feel.

For now, silence was enough.

Ai Generated: Love and War (Hoshina Soshiro x OC x Narumi Gen) Where stories live. Discover now