55 Unspoken Words

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As Aki opened the door to her quarters, a wave of warmth washed over her.

Standing by the window, bathed in the soft, golden light of the late afternoon, was Hoshina.

His gaze was distant, his deep red orbs reflecting a world of thoughts as he looked out at the scenery beyond.

The gentle breeze drifting in through the open window tousled his dark hair, sending a few strands across his face.

The sight of him, after so long, struck a chord deep within her—she had longed for this moment, to see him again, to be near him.

Hoshina, sensing her presence, turned from the window. His usual smile, the one that always seemed to reach his eyes, greeted her. "Hey, Aki! Long time no see! How have you been?" His voice was warm, familiar, but there was a softness to it that hinted at the care he held for her.

Aki felt her throat tighten, the words she wanted to say lodging themselves somewhere deep inside.

Instead of speaking, she quietly closed the door behind her, the sound of it clicking shut echoing in the quiet room.

She moved toward the window, her steps slow and deliberate, as if the distance between them was a journey in itself.

When she reached the window, she turned to face him, the space between them filled with an unspoken tension. "I'm—I'm fine... How about you?," she managed to say, her voice trembling slightly.

Her eyes dropped to the floor, unable to meet his gaze, afraid that if she did, the tears she was holding back would finally fall.

Hoshina's smile remained, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—concern, perhaps? "Well, it's the usual in Division 3." His tone was light, almost teasing, as if he was trying to put her at ease.

But Aki could sense an undercurrent of something more, something that matched the heaviness in her own heart.

"Oh, by the way, sorry for entering your quarters without your permission. I tried to find you in the training grounds, but you were nowhere to be found. Luckily, I ran into Kafka, and he pointed me in the right direction." As he spoke, he moved to sit on the edge of her bed, patting the spot beside him in a gesture that invited her to join him.

Aki hesitated for only a moment before crossing the room to sit beside him. The bed felt unusually firm, the air between them charged with an awkward tension.

They both sat at the very edges of the bed—Hoshina at the head, and Aki closer to the foot. The space between them, though small, felt vast, filled with all the unspoken words that hung heavily in the air.

Hoshina continued to talk, his voice taking on a lighter, more playful tone as he recounted his recent encounter with Kafka. "I also talked to Kafka about our encounter last time. I guess he didn't tell you? Well, he attacked me in his Kaiju form, and I had no idea he was Kaiju No. 8. He sure is strong! Haha!"

His laugh was genuine, filling the room with a warmth that contrasted sharply with the cold knot of anxiety in Aki's chest.

She managed a small smile in response, though it felt strained, like a fragile mask that could shatter at any moment.

But Hoshina wasn't finished. "Oh, and you know, I have a new combat suit. It's from Kaiju No. 10. It's a long story, but Kaiju No. 10 gave us some useful information about the Kaiju who pretended to be human and the one Division 1 encountered. Turns out, it's the same one. So we had a meeting earlier to prepare for a possible attack."

His words, though spoken lightly, carried a weight that Aki could feel pressing down on her.

All she could manage in response was a soft, "Ah... I see..." Her voice was barely audible, and she kept her gaze fixed on the floor.

Her hands fidgeted in her lap, her fingers twisting together as she struggled to keep her emotions in check.

The weight of all her unasked questions, all her unsaid words, bore down on her like a physical force, making it hard to breathe.

Hoshina sensed the turmoil inside her, his tone suddenly shifted.

His fox-like eyes narrowed slightly, a seriousness overtaking his usual playful expression.


His red eyes, intense and piercing, locked onto Aki, and she could feel the weight of his gaze even as she avoided it.

He leaned in slightly, the space between them closing as he spoke softly, "Aki... I uh...—"

Before he could finish, a loud, sharp knock rang through the room, cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Hosshiiinaaaa! Outsiders aren't allowed in the quarters of my soldiers!" Narumi's voice cut through the room, filled with irritation and a sense of urgency that was impossible to ignore. It was clear he had rushed to get here, his breath coming in short, heavy bursts.

Narumi stormed into the room, his presence dominating the space with an energy that was almost palpable.

His eyes locked onto Hoshina, his expression darkening with irritation as he pointed an accusing finger at him. "Get out!" he commanded, his voice sharp and unyielding.

Ai Generated: Love and War (Hoshina Soshiro x OC x Narumi Gen) Where stories live. Discover now