39 Training in Division 1

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The next day, Aki woke up early, the morning light barely creeping into her room. She stretched and took a deep breath, determined to start her first official day in Division 1 on a strong note. After taking a quick shower in the common bath, she put on her uniform, adjusting it meticulously. She grabbed her katana, its familiar weight comforting in her hand, and made her way to the training grounds.

As she arrived, she was greeted by Vice Captain Hasegawa, who looked at her with a mix of curiosity and respect. Aki saluted him. "Good morning, Vice Captain Hasegawa."

"Aki, did you bring your weapon with you?" Hasegawa inquired, his eyes scanning her figure.

"Yes, sir. I brought my katana," Aki responded, lifting the weapon slightly for him to see.

"Ohhh," Hasegawa remarked, both surprised and impressed. He recognized the skill required to wield a katana effectively against kaiju. "Alright, let's see what you've got."

Aki nodded and took her position on the training ground. She began her routine, demonstrating her precision and fluidity. Her katana cut through the air with a deadly grace, each movement executed with a combination of strength and finesse.

The other soldiers, particularly the men, couldn't help but notice her. They murmured among themselves, their admiration evident. "Hey, isn't she the one from Division 3?" "She really is beautiful." "She's strong too. Look at her stance and movements."

Despite feeling the weight of their gazes, Aki focused on her training, determined to prove herself. She moved with elegance and power, each strike of her katana a testament to her dedication and skill.

As the murmurs continued, Captain Narumi entered the training grounds, yawning, dark circles under his eyes indicating a lack of sleep. "Hey, what's the commotion about?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of irritation.

 "Hey, what's the commotion about?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of irritation

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The men beside Narumi immediately straightened and saluted. "Good morning, Captain Narumi! We were just talking about Aki, about how beautiful and strong she is," one soldier said excitedly.

Narumi's sleepy expression transformed, his eyes lighting up with interest. He turned to the soldier with a serious face before breaking into a grin. "Aki...chan~ he-he," he muttered, his expression causing the soldier to hesitate in responding.

Without wasting another moment, Narumi quickly ran towards Aki, waving enthusiastically. "Aki-chan~ good morning!" he called out.

Aki noticed him and saluted. "Good morning, Captain!"

Narumi waved off the formal gesture. "Stop the formalities already. You can just call me Gen, you know."

Aki, still holding her katana, hesitated. "Umm. I am not used to it, sir, but I will try," she said, then resumed her training.

Narumi, undeterred, leaned in closer. "So, Aki-chan~ do you wanna have lunch with me later? We can go outside, talk about your likes and dislikes, you know, just us, male and female, hmm?" He grinned widely, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Before Aki could respond, Hasegawa stepped in, grabbing Narumi by the arm and pulling him away. "We have a meeting, cut that out," Hasegawa said firmly.

Narumi looked surprised. "Hey, Hasegawa, what's the big deal?!"

As he was being dragged away, he called out, "Aki-chan!! I'll see you later!"

Aki watched them go, a mix of amusement and confusion on her face. She shook her head slightly and refocused on her training, her katana slicing through the air with renewed vigor. The day's events left her both flattered and bewildered by Narumi's attention, but she was determined to keep her mind on her training and her duties in Division 1.

Ai Generated: Love and War (Hoshina Soshiro x OC x Narumi Gen) Where stories live. Discover now