~twenty two~

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Yoongi woke with a start, his name still echoing in his ears in Jaesung's voice. It was just a dream, he quickly realized, as he took stock of his surroundings and recognized his new bedroom. A chill ran down his spine, lodging at the base with a dull ache from sleeping in the same position for too long.

The details of the dream were hazy, but the ghost of anxiety lingered, settling uncomfortably in his stomach. He knew it was a reflection of the previous day's tension. Meeting with the BTS social worker and then his cousin had brought the reality crashing down on him—both believed it was safer for him and his baby if he pressed charges. The weight of their advice pressed heavily on his mind, feeding his unease.

If Yoongi could, he would pretend Jaesung never existed and move on with his life. But he knew how petty and stubborn his ex-boyfriend could be. Jaesung wouldn't let Yoongi go unscathed, and with his parents' support, Yoongi feared Jaesung might actually be able to get full custody of their baby girl.

Despite Hoseok's assurances that this wouldn't happen—especially with all the evidence they had against Jaesung—Yoongi couldn't shake the fear that it might not be enough. Jaesung had a stable job, a house in his name, and a supportive family. Yoongi had none of that. 

He lived with Namjoon without properly contributing, relied on university funds, and had nothing to his name. His friends were his only support system, but would the court see that as enough for him to keep his child? The thought gnawed at him, making him feel more vulnerable than ever.

The anxiety of it all only deepened when he checked his phone and saw a string of messages from his cousin. Hoseok had finalized the paperwork for the lawsuit and was heading to the police station to set the charges into motion. Once he had the necessary documents, he would proceed to court and file the lawsuit. Both actions would occur simultaneously, but the charges would be delivered first.

Reading about it made Yoongi's anxiety spike, settling deeper in his gut, while the pain in his back intensified to a burning ache. His legs felt weak, and he knew if he tried to get up, he would collapse. Swallowing his pride, he called Namjoon's name a few times until he came rushing in.

Namjoon entered the room, concern etched on his face. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"

"Can you help me to the bathroom? I slept too long on my side and I can't feel my legs well," Yoongi replied, his voice shaky.

"Okay, okay. Are you in pain?" Namjoon asked, quickly moving to Yoongi's side.

"Yes, a bit," Yoongi admitted, wincing as he tried to move.

Namjoon gently lifted Yoongi, supporting him with a firm but tender grip. "Lean on me," he said softly, guiding Yoongi towards the bathroom inside the bedroom. 

The journey was slow and cautious, with Namjoon constantly checking to ensure Yoongi was comfortable.

"Take your time, and let me know if you need anything else," Namjoon said, his tone gentle.

"Thank you, Namjoon."

"Always," Namjoon replied warmly, his reassuring presence a comfort to Yoongi.

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