Chapter 5

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I narrow my eyes and he does the same.

"Move." I say.

He scoffs, looking down as he towers over me. "Don't people usually apologise for bumping into someone?"

"Would you?"

"Not the point."

"Then what is?"

He chuckles lowly. "You still have a knack for arguing, don't you?"

"And you still have a knack for being a-"

"A what?" He takes a threatening step closer.

"A dick." A don't falter.

"Is that right? Bitch?"

"It is. Now get out of my way." I have to stretch my neck to keep meeting his glare but I hardly waver.

"You were the one who was in mine. And I'm still waiting on that apology."

"Well then, you'll be waiting for a long time."

"Now, little minx, where are your manners?" He's no doubt referring to how I berated him for his lack of such the first time we met.

Whatever. He doesn't deserve them.

"Far away from you."

"Is that so? What should we do about that?"

"Is that a threat?"

"Would you like it to be?" He quirks a brow.

"I'd like to knee you in your namesake."

"I fucking dare you." His eyes become slits.

"Do you usually scare people with that look?" I tilt my head slightly.

"Are you scared?"

"You don't scare me."

"Oh?" He takes another step forward, leading me to take one back in order to keep us from touching. But he doesn't stop there. He keeps going. Until my back hits the door of a car. It's cold. I feel it even through the material of my dress. He cages me, two hands holding onto the roof above my head while he leans forward. "What about now?"

My hands fist at my sides. "Terrified." I mock.

"What did I tell you about staying the fuck away from me?" He murmurs.

"You were the one who spoke first." I counter. "You could have moved."

"You could have looked where you were going." He studies me for a moment. "You aren't drunk. Not even a little bit. You're stone cold sober."

"What about you?" I question, not smelling any alcohol on his breath. All that's there is fresh mint. "Having a girl pinned to a car against her will won't be easy to explain."

"Everything is easy for me, little minx. And don't act like you're not enjoying it."

"I'd rather stick a needle in my eye. And stop calling me that."

"Do you prefer bitch?"

"I prefer my name. And I prefer it nowhere near your mouth."

"You seemed pretty interested in my mouth that night. You stared at it for a full ten seconds."

"You're vile."

"Am I? I remember you ogling my face for a while, too."

"The only thing I'd like to look at your face for is to see what I'm carving out."

"How undignified." He comments. Another shot at our last interaction.

"Go to hell." I grit.

"I plan on it." He all but grins, a wicked twinkle in his dark eyes. "Now make sure you keep your distance. Or I won't let you off so easily." And then he moves an inch nearer to whisper a final taunt. "Little minx."

And then he's gone.

I suck in air, as if he's deprived me of it with his mere presence.

As if I need another reason to hate him.

I watch indignantly as he walks back in to the party. My party.


I really hope he was serious about that hell thing because I'm praying karma will take him there early.

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