Chapter 2

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I walk into my bedroom when I'm done using our gym, ready to do absolutely fucking nothing until I have to get back up tomorrow but as soon as I sit on my bed to retrieve the phone charger from the floor, the feeling of a person under me as well as a high pitched, surprised squeal has me bolting right up.

The covers fling off, revealing a small girl.

"What the fuck?" I nearly yell.

"Shut up." She stands from the bed, covering my mouth with her hand and glancing quickly back at the door.

I take her wrist, flicking it away. "What are you doing?" My earlier shocked tone has turned down to purely confused.

"I'm hiding from mom." My little sister says.

"You scared the shit out of me." I step to the side of her, falling back to sit on the mattress. "What is she making you do now?"

"She's added golf to my never ending list of activities. Golf, Madden. Look at me." She gestures to herself. "I wasn't made for this."

"I thought she just added tennis to your schedule last week?"

"Exactly! Do you know how much sleep I got collectively in the past three days? Nine. And then when I fell asleep in class yesterday, they called mom and I got in trouble! She lectured me for an hour! And then I got into even more trouble because her yelling at me made me late for ballet. Which, is the only single activity that I actually enjoy."

"Well what does she expect when you're going to bed at midnight and waking up at four most of the time?"

"Exactly!" She flops down next to me.

I sigh, lowering my head and running my hand through my hair. "Want me to talk to her?"

"What? No. It's not your problem. I don't expect you to do anything. I only come here to vent."

"And now hide?"

"That, too."

We sit there in silence for a few minutes, before I ask another question.

"How's Evan?"

She purses her lips. "He's in his room. Hasn't come out since he came back from school. I went to check on him before coming here but he told me he was fine and to go away."

I wrap an arm around her shoulders. "You know he doesn't mean it in that way, right?"

Me and Rosalie are the oldest, me being eighteen and her sixteen. Despite the two year gap, we're actually pretty close. Whereas Evan, who's twelve, can't really relate to either of us to a certain extent. While my father likes to beat on me emotionally and my mother nonstop hounds Rosie, Evander, unlike most younger children, is the more forgotten one. My parents don't pay that much attention to him, leaving him to nannies and us, and the attention that they do give him is not only fleeting but also half full of annoyance. I can only imagine how he feels.

"I know. I just... I don't want his mistreatment from them to be mistranslated back to us. We're all he has and if he pushes us away, he'll be all alone."

"He won't be. We won't let him. Okay? Do you know if he's eaten?"

"He hasn't."

"Why don't we try and get him to eat with us?"

"You know if we go to the dining room he'll just keep watching the door to see if they'll come."

They never do.

Lightning Strike (Billionaire Boys Club #3) | ongoing  Where stories live. Discover now