Alora Ha is a bitch. No questions asked.
Madden Drakos is a monster.
But I see straight through her little shield.
But then again. So am I.
"Stupid, arrogant, annoying, evil asshole..." I grit as I storm down the hall towards my bedroom and then slam the door once I'm through the threshold.
I cannot believe him!
I cannot believe I let him have the last word!
Grabbing the purple plush from my bed, I raise it high before slamming it back down onto the silk covers.
I hate him. And I wish that he could shrink down so that I could replace the bunny with his body and instead of a soft duvet, concrete would be beneath him so that I could break every bone in it.
How dare he?
How dare he come to my party, get all up in my face, threaten me, and then walk off with that annoyed, smug look on his face?
This is what I get for trying to walk away and be the bigger person.
Not anymore.
If he wants to be this way, then so will I.
And I'll do a better job at it than him.
I'm getting my breathing under control when my phone pings in my purse. Fishing it out, I see the name Rosie attached to the message.
I had made sure to send a text so that she got my number from it earlier.
Rosie Hey. I just wanted to say thanks. Again. My first real high school party might have taken a bad turn if you hadn't shown up. I appreciate it.
Me No problem. Girls should always look out for each other.
Besides, it seems like you probably would've had the situation handled even if I didn't.
Rosie I'm just glad it wasn't my brother who found me. Then the party would've taken a real turn.
Me The overprotective brother? Would he have put the guy into hospital or something?
I meant it as a joke but her response has my momentary pause.
Rosie Yep. And forget the hospital. He would have sent the asshole straight to the morgue.
Wow... Honestly, I wish I had someone who would take care of me like that.
I mean, I have my girls but, family wise.
Me Sounds like he'd go to very far lengths for you.
Rosie He would. And I love him for it. But he can be ridiculously overbearing sometimes.
Me I wouldn't know. I don't have any older siblings.
Rosie Younger?
I know I say this about him but truthfully, it goes both ways. I look out for him just as much as he does me.
Minus about ninety percent of the violence.
Me I can see that. But it's good. You have each other's backs. That's important.
Rosie I know. As much of a pain in the ass he is, I'm happy that he's my brother.
Anyway, I should get some sleep now.
Me Of course.
I'll see you in school.
With that, I turn off the device and drop it to the bedside table, blowing out a breath and heading for the bathroom, starting to prepare for bed.
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