Chapter 13

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"So, how was it?"

"How was what?" I ask Lina.

"Girl, don't play with me." She frowns. "I woke up early so that we could have this conversation."

I sigh. "It was fine."


"Fine." I repeat.

"Well, you are alive." She notes and then pauses. "Is he?"

"Unfortunately." I look over myself in the mirror.

"Come on. Give me details. What did you do? Did you interact a lot?"

"Twice. Once when he just arrived. Once before we left."

"The first?"

"He was an ass."

"The second?"

"He was an ass."

"How insightful." She tilts her head in sarcastic enthusiasm.

"I don't know any other way to describe it." I turn around so that my back is leaning against the sink. "He's just evil. He blew smoke into my face!"

"He smokes?"

"Seems like it." I shrug.

"That's hot."

"No it's not." I hit her arm with my hand. "It's gross."

"The actual act of it, maybe. But the view?" She raises her brows.

"You're a freak." I retort.

"Oh, yeah, I'm the freak. You know, the one who has attraction to a 2D fox."

"Keep your voice down." I hush her, glancing towards the door to the girls' bathroom. It's early so not many people will be at school right now but that doesn't mean some people aren't. "And like you disagree." I argue. "It's an international agreement among the female population of the world and I have nearly no shame in it."

She laughs. "Nearly?"

"Shut up. Lets go." We open the door and step out into the hallway, beginning to wander down it.

"Okay, but seriously, talk to me. You and him. The deal."

"There is no deal. There is a mutual hatred and now that our forced evening is over, we don't have to interact."

"Right. So we're ignoring how you did still interact before that evening?"

"Yes. We are."

"Okay. And-"

"Can we change subjects please?" I interrupt her.

"But we don't have anything else interesting to talk about." She frowns.

"This is not interesting."

"It is for me."

I tut and she grins, linking our arms together. "Fine. I'll drop it. For now."

"How considerate."

"What time is it?"

"Uhh, nearly eight." I check my phone.

"The girls should be here soon."

"Has El seen him yet?" I wonder.

"You mean Caspian?"


"I don't think so."

"Is she upset?"

"She seems fine as of right now."

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