Chapter 8

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I'm still frustrated with my run in with the little bitch Monday morning while I'm sat at the breakfast table, barely eating my Thai style omelet and after turning the events over in my mind again and again until I can't take it any longer, I drop my spoon to my plate, leaning back in my chair.

A groan sounds from the doorway and I glance up to see Rosie all but dragging herself into the room. "Can you not?"

"Sorry." I watch her. "Didn't sleep well?"

"Do I ever?" She drops into the seat opposite of me and picks up a glass of milk. "After finding out about the party, mom's had me up for two days doing things until I physically couldn't keep my eyes open."

I breathe out a sigh, running my hand through my hair. "Are you kidding me?"

"It's too early for kidding."

"No shit." I mutter. "Hey, I was talking with Angel the other night."

"Mhm." She takes a sip.

"He was wondering if you'd be interested in-"

"I'm not getting involved in one of his stupid, semi illegal ideas." She pauses. "Again."

"I still can't believe you agreed to join him that time." I shake my head, remembering the incident from nearly a year ago.

"I was bored." She shrugs. "Besides, everything was fine. Three of them were there and as we've already been over, they still kept me in a tight little bubble like the protected little sister that I should be."

"And like I've said, that doesn't make me feel better."

"You were also present."

"For the aftermath." I deadpan.

"Still counts. Anyway, what was that?"

"What was what?"

"Your miniature tantrum."

"You count that as a tantrum?" I quirk a brow.

"For you it is. Spill."

"It's nothing. I'm just tired. Back to my question."

"Fine. Go on."

"He was wondering if you'd be interested in hanging out with his and the other guys' girlfriends for a day. Take your mind off of everything. Have some girl fun or whatever."

"You told him about it?"

"Did you not want me to?" I frown.

"No. I'm just surprised that you confided in someone. I mean, I'm not surprised that it's one of the guys, but still. Keep going." She picks up a grape and pops it into her mouth.

"You haven't met any of them yet." I think about it. "So-"

"I know of them, though. Angel's girlfriend is Althea, Lucas' is Madelaina and Darius' is Donatella. Right?"

"How do you know that? I've never told you their names, have I?"

"No. Each of them has talked to me individually about them, though."

"What?" I'm dumbfounded. "When do you talk to my friends?"

"They all texted me." She says like it's normal that she's been conversing with my friends. "When they were navigating their relationships and needed a girl's input, they asked me. I told you. Designated little sister."

"Little is correct." I narrow my eyes.

"Oh, come on. I'm two years younger."

"That's irrelevant. What do you know about this shit?"

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