Chapter 9

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"So..." Oakley drags out the word. "Is he coming or what?"

We're all gathered at Angel's house in the theatre, each of us taking up an equal amount of seats on the first two rows. Angel decided that it'd be a fun idea for us to sit up here whilst he placed a chair on the floor in front of the screen so that it seemed more like an interrogation. Not the same type of theatre but we all know that he does love his theatrics.

"He fucking better." I say.

"Can I leave before he gets here?" Jeremy raises his hand. "This has nothing to do with me. And you all interrupted my schedule."

"Fucking doesn't have a schedule." Oak scoffs.

"It does when you have so many puck bunnies you don't know what to do with them."

"Oh, puh-lease. Like you get any at all."

Jere looks down at him, an arrogant smirk lifting his lips. "Did that make you feel better?"

"Fuck off."

"That's exactly what I want to do."

"Well, you can't." Dare cuts in.

"Don't be petty, Ford. Just because you have to stick to one pussy doesn't mean that the rest of us have to suffer. Not including the other two whipped motherfuckers in this room."

"Talk about my girlfriend like that again and I'll make sure that you'll be suffering in an entirely different way." He glares.

Jere's smirk turns to a grin. "Are you threatening me with a good time?"

Suddenly, Darius has a knife in his hand and has it pointing right at Jeremy's dick. "Does this look fun to you?"

"I bet it does to you." He counters, nothing but amused. "We all know about your little sadistic blade kink."

"I'm this close, Hearst."


Luca snorts and Angel shakes his head. "He walked right into that one."

After a few more seconds of Dare's death stare, Jere lets up, raising his hands. "All right, I got it. You know Tells is my best friend anyway. I wouldn't degrade her like that."

"Did you just say best friend?" Both Angel and Oakley shoot at the same time and we all hang our heads, not ready for another friendship rivalry.

"Best girl friend." He emphasises and then quickly amends when Dare rounds on him with another glare. "Friend who is a girl."

"You can't leave." Lucas interjects. "You're a part of us now. When we're all somewhere, you have to be, too."

"What a lovely club this is." He gets comfortable in his plush chair.

"We're not a fucking club." Angel rolls his eyes.

"Could've fooled me."

"We're family." Lucas states. "Brothers."

"Like a... brotherhoo-?" Oakley starts but we all cut him off with a stern "no." and he huffs, slouching back.

"He's here." Angel announces, looking at the large screen, where camera footage is being displayed.

"About fucking time." I let out a breath.

"You're right about that." Oakley nods. "We've been waiting for fucking half an hour."

"Were you getting antsy for your nap?" Darius asks him.

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