Chapter 5: Wrong idea.

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I wake up in the nurse's room, aching all over. I look around the room to find no one. I try to sit up but instantly fall back down. A wave of dizziness washing over me. I drape my arm over my eyes and let out a sigh.

Today was a whole lot of chaos. Just when I thought it couldn't be worse, I had to bomb my exam. I couldn't focus at all and my head kept going on and off. Then I had to deal with that guy Noah again and I'm really getting so annoyed with his persistence. I don't even understand why the sudden interest, which erkes me even more.

I don't remember how I ended up fainting and being carried all the way here. I do know who did, though. I vaguely remember him talking to Noah. I also remember a blurry image of his necklace stuck in my hair while he put me down, a sense of deja vú washing over me as he gently got it off.

He helped me.

It held some odd sense of familiarity.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, the door to the room opens, revealing the nurse. As soon as her eyes land on me, she gives me a sweet smile.

"You're awake."

I smile faintly, finally finding the energy to sit up.

"You feeling good?"

I nod.

"Now, How could you come to school with a 40 degree fever, little miss? You're a doctor. If you want to save lives, you have to take care of yourself first." She scolds gently.

I smile sheepishly giving her an apologetic look.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"It's nothing. If you're feeling ok, I can walk you to your room, now."

"Oh no, you don't need to. I can walk on my own. I'm feeling so much better. Thank you." I say as I start to frantically try to show her that I'm doing fine.

"Oh no, honey. I promised your friend that I would. If I don't get you there safely and with enough supply of medicine for the week, he would probably report me to the authorities." She says smiling teasingly, faking fear and despair.

"My friend?"

"The one who brought you. He said you're not his girlfriend." She says and suddenly gasps as her eyes flicker with realisation.

"Is it one sided?" She asks surprise and apologies written all over her face.

"Oh, no no, it's nothing like that. We're not actually friends. I don't know him."

Relief appears on her face, followed by some kind of a knowing grin.

"Oh, but he seemed to know you well."


I didn't quite get what she meant, but I smiled anyway. The walk to my room wasn't so long. It was quiet. Before she left she gave me the medicine and made sure to write when and how exactly to take it. I really didn't need that, giving that I spend half of my week studying those actual medications. It's not that I was complaining, though. It's less thinking to do on my part.

She made sure to scold me enough before leaving, so that I don't dare to skip my medicines or meals.

I chose to sleep for the rest of the day, allowing my body to rest and get over the emotional and the physical stress of the past few days.

However my mind kept drifting back to that boy. I couldn't help but feel safe when he is around. That's maybe why I chose to sit next to him today when I knew I was physically too vulnerable and could have passed any moment. His eyes hold that thing, it's like a silent vow of taking care of me. Call it delusion, but I really do feel safe around him. At least I know he wouldn't be the one hurting me.


The next day I go to school, and as soon as I enter, I'm faced by Noah.

"Hey, Jas. Good morning."

This time, he doesn't block my way. Instead he walks by my side, matching my pace.

"Good morning." I reply curtly.

"How are you feeling today? I saw Liam taking you to the nurse's yesterday."

Liam. His name is Liam.

"I'm feeling better. Thank you for asking." I reply, praying on the inside that I can get to class faster.

"So.." he hesitates. "Are you friends? You and Liam?"

Are we? "No, not really."

A flicker of something that I fail to recognise shows in his eyes. Something about Noah makes me feel uncomfortable, And I don't know how to make him stop. Finally, for my relief I get to class. He waves at me, as I get in.

"Have a good day. I was happy to walk with you. Let's do this more."

His overly friendly attitude annoys me. He keeps acting as if we know each other, as if we're already friends.

When I enter the class, I start looking around for a seat, and almost immediately my eyes fall on him, sitting in the back seat, looking through the window, seemingly lost in thought. I didn't realize that we shared this class as well. The seat infront of his was empty. I look around, there's is no other one, so I make my way to the seat, trying so hard to not look at him or make any eye contact.

I should thank him, though. Right? But he doesn't seem to like people talking to him. Maybe I shouldn't interrupt his personal space.

The class goes by so slowly. I stand up, collecting my stuff, but when I look up, he's not in his seat. I shrug, walking out only to be stopped by some noises. I look around to find people crowded in the hallway around something, or maybe someone. I walk by, not interested, but then I see who they were watching. Noah was holding Liam by his collar. He was whispering something in anger, his expression so vicious and intense.

What is going on?

Liam didn't seem affected, though. He had a sly grin on his face. He wasn't trying to get out of Noah's hold. He looked at him, straight in the eyes, confident. Looking more into his expression, I could sense something. Something was off. He looked confident, but I could see frustration in his eyes. He was angry as well, but he did a good job hiding it, a great job actually.

After Noah stopped talking, Liam whispered something back calmly, then he just raised his hands taking Noah's hand that was holding him down. He smiled while dusting off his shirt.

"You can't act like that when people are watching, my friend. They'll get the wrong idea. We don't want that, do we?"

He says calmly. The smile never leaving his face. Noah just keeps looking at him, rage filling his eyes. Liam pats his shoulder a little, then he turns to the crowd and bows a little, sending a salute. His eyes meet mine, and they linger for a moment, before he starts walking away.

I don't understand. What is going on?

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