Chapter 2: More than talking.

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"Here she comes!"

"Do you think she can even talk?"

"I don't care. Her beauty is on an entirely other level."

"I think Liam would know better. How's her voice, Liam?"

I Look up from my phone to Allister a frown finding its way on my face.

"She talked to you, right?"


I know exactly who they're talking about. Yet I chose to not go along with their nonsense. It's been a few months now since she first came here and she's still the butt of their jokes. It's getting really annoying.

"Well..what about that.." Noah's voice cuts my thoughts and all the heads snap to him.

"I can make sure all of you hear her voice." He says with a mischievous look on his face and I just roll my eyes at the hoots of the guys.

"And how is that?" John asks as a sly grin makes its way to his face.

"I can make her talk to me."

"Oh come on.."

"What? We've ensured that she can talk since she talked to Liam. Then.. I bet I can make her do more than just talk." His smirk grows higher as he talks and my frown just deepens..

"You bet?!"

"I I can make her fall for me by the end of the month."

"I'll take the bet. Fifty bucks that Noah's got the charms." Jake chimes playfully

I scoff at their antics a feeling of unease filling me. I watch as John's face grows playful

"I don't think that she would be swayed." He says and then nudges me lightly.

"What about you, Liam? You're on?"

So they're going as low as betting on girls now. What's so interesting in betting on people's lives? They think they're too clever. That's bullshit. She's just a girl. They're treating her like a joke.

I glance at the necklace in my hands and look up. My eyes find her almost immediately.

"I'm not interested in betting on people's feelings. Count me out." I say as my eyes follow her.

She's completely oblivious of what's going on around her and for some reason it annoys me. How can someone be that clueless? She's about to get into some deep shit without even knowing. Even when she hasn't even interacted with anyone on campus since she started coming here.

John's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Come on dude. It's just a bet. Just a game. No big deal."

"Exactly, I don't game with people, Allister." I say throwing a glare in his direction.

I push myself off the wall and make my way to class. I don't know why it's erking me that hard. But it just doesn't set right with me.

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