Chapter 8: Red-handed.

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"Were you trying to steal those papers." She asks, her voice burning into my soul.

My gut twisted, but I forced a smirk."Not so blind after all, huh?"

She didn't back down, her gaze unwavering. I could feel my resolve slipping.

The day doctor william announced the exam was the day I met my father for the first time in a few months. He came home after spending a whole damn month at the hospital. He basically lives there. Which actually was for the better. He kept talking about my grades, my future, how I have to work hard, how I'm the only one that carries the name of the family, how I must bring honour to our name. 'Cause I'm a doctor. Just like him.

That's all he ever talks about. That's all he ever cares about. He never cared about us. He was a doctor that helped every single person that needed him, but his family. He was there for everyone, but his wife and son.

And that's how I spent the past night sulking. I didn't study anything and decided not to at all. Then in a weakened moment of resentment I decided to do something, anything to disappoint him, to prove him that I'm nothing like him, that I don't care about humans or humanity, I don't help people and I don't want nothing with the name of the family.

"You can't do that." She said firmly.

I know I can't do this. I hated this idea the moment I slipped in this room. I hated myself for being so stupid. And definitely hated myself for how I was acting with her right now.

"Oh so righteous you are. How virtuous." My voice was dripping with sarcasm, hating myself more with every single word.

"you are a doctor"she said "you'll be responsible for people's lives".

"I never wanted to be one" I yelled "I never wanted to be here it was my father's fvcking choice ..."

I was pathetic. I took out all my insecurities and resentment on the first person that showed vulnerability. And I hated it. I hated myself. I hated how she was looking at me with disbelief and disappointment. It was like she never saw me like that, like she never thought I would do that, like she somehow believed that I'm a good person and now I was proving her wrong.

Hearing footsteps heading towards the door, I quickly pulled her down to hide under the counter and covered her mouth.

"hey, Jas. Are you here?" it was just Noah so she pushed me away to get up. she was about to hit her head to the counter when I reflexively put my hand
Shielding her.

"hi Jas, I saw you Coming in, it's late do you ..." he paused in shock when he saw me getting up.

he looked at me in shock. It was as if volcanoes were erupting in his head. Eyes filled with rage, He grapped me by the collar.

His grip on me tightened, his eyes lightening with fury. "what are you doing here ?" He asked, voice like venom.

"It's really none of your buissness man" I shrugged, smiling, trying to act nonchalant.

"it is ,unless you want to die right here, right now".

He was losing the bet with every passing day. And seeing me with her such often is making him lose his mind. He's scared that I would snatch her away. Scared that I would tell his secret. But the thing is, I wasn't going to. I was just playing with his head, making him believe so, making him feel as though he's being watched, so that he stops it himself.

Jas was watching Confused and not understanding anything untill her eyes caught something. She suddenly grasped my hand. her eyes were fixed on it, shock was obvious in her eyes, not caring about Noah who is still holding to my collar or our confused stares.

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