Chapter 12: Trouble.

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It's been three weeks since Noah started this stupid bet. Day after day he gets more persistent, desperate to not lose, to keep up the heartthrob reputation he worked so hard to build, it annoys the hell of little kitten, who has been just as persistent as him in avoiding him and blatantly ignoring him.

On the other hand it's been a day or two over a week since she declared herself 'a friend' of mine, effortlessly making her way in my life. It's quite incredible how much space she has been filling in my life in less that ten days. It's like, suddenly, she is there most of the day, talking about whatever comes in her mind, smiling, occupying the whole room.

She hasn't come to school today and for some reason I can't stop thinking about her. The image of her face after receiving that call yesterday keeps haunting me. She lied. I knew that for sure. It wasn't just about being scolded. It looked like, she's been dreading this call. As if she didn't want to hear what he had to say.


I was walking back home after going to the grocery. I needed some fresh air to clear my mind. I didn't like how I was constantly thinking about her. It doesn't make sense.

It was late and I was walking lazily, staring at the moon, taking in the fresh breeze, the dim lights of the street adding a calming effect. Suddenly I bump into a smaller figure and just when I was about to apologise for not looking straight, I see her and I feel the air being knocked out of me at the sight before me.

She was standing there limply, her eyes bloodshot and blank, face stained with tears. She looked so consumed, so lost in her own mind.

"Little kitten?" I let out slowly, carefully, as if she might snap.

Her eyes started darting around in confusion before they shot up, catching mine. I look at her, observing her closely, studying every inch of her figure. It takes her a moment of staring before recognition dawns on her eyes. Her eyes soften and she smiles. A weak faint smile, the complete opposite of her usual bright smile, making me feel a weird pinch in my chest.

After a few moments of silence, her just staring at me with that faint smile and blank eyes, her eyes suddenly start darting again, as if she's just realising her surroundings.

"I.. I... hi, what are..what are you doing here? Do you live near here? Or.. ohh.. you said you lived near campus right?" She stumbles on her own words, struggling to form a coherent sentence, her voice restrained as if she was trying hard not to cry.

"Hey, hey, look at me!" I instruct her firmly, trying to catch her eyes.

She looks up into my eyes, again wearing that weak smile, that makes me hate the world more than I usually do.

"What happened?" I ask but she doesn't reply.

"Little kitten, Are you ok?" I ask again, slowly, searching her eyes for an answer.

"Mhhhm." She nods, her voice breaking, choking, forcing a wider smile.

My heart clenches and I can't help but take her hand and pull her against my chest, engulfing her in a tight hug. She lets out a sob and her hands go up to my shirt. I feel them trembling against my chest as she fists my shirt in them, burying her face in it.

"I'm fine." She lets out with a choke. Her voice muffled. "I'm fine." She repeats. "I promise I'm..." a sob leaves her mouth with every word, breaking my heart, before she finally breaks down into tears.


She was sitting on the swing in the park, swaying slowly, looking up at the sky. There was no one around at this late hour. I walk up to her back from the store holding a bag filled with different flavours of icecream and popsicles.

She looks down when she senses my presence, sending me a smile. The usual bright smile. And I feel like everything is back in place.

For a moment when I first saw her tonight, I had this idea, It felt like I took all those smiles for granted, like I never thought about what happens when they're not there anymore, when I can't see them the first thing when I walk into campus, or when she wins an argument or catches a glimpse of something she likes. Would I be able to go back to living without those?

I hand the bag to her taking my place on the swing next to hers.

"Didn't know what you like." I say simply, nodding towards it.

She opens it and pops her head in looking around, before she fishes out a strawberry flavoured icecream.

"So the nice Liam is back?" She asks playfully as she opens her ice cream.

I just roll my eyes, taking the bag off her lap. I take out a cold water bottle and hand it to her. "Put it on your eyes."

She takes it and holds it for a moment staring at it with a soft smile. I look at her attentively, waiting for her next words.

"Aren't you gonna ask?" She asks without looking up.

"Do you want to talk?"

She shakes her head lightly. "Not now."

"Until you do, I don't get involved in people's business." I say, nodding, before I open up the bag and take out a popsicle.

She smiles looking up at me.

"Yeah, typical tough boy attitude, huh." She says playfully.

I scoff giving her a fed up look. Her eyes suddenly light up enthusiastically.

"Oh I know what that look is. You were going to say: 'don't play with me, little kitten.'" She says trying to deepen her voice, impersonating me.

"I wasn't going to say that." I say rolling my eyes.

"I bet you were." She argues, confidently.

"Thinking about it, you have a nickname for me, but why don't I have one for you?" She thinks out loud, making my head snap in horror.

I don't even want to think what kind of a nickname she might pick.

"I don't need a nickname." I rush, before she can start speculating.

"Whyyy?" She whines, before her eyes light up and she smiles, "what about the big fat cat?!" She says, voice dripping with excitement.

I deadpan, facepalming myself.

"No?!" She presses, "I'm the little kitten, and you're the big fat cat. Makes sense. And they match."

I shake my head at the whole situation.

How did I get here?

"What about the black panther?"

"That's a movie."

"So we can't use it? What about Cutie baddie?"


She keeps on thinking and suggesting stupid nicknames, while I try so hard to hide the smile that reluctantly makes it's way to my face.

That girl is going to get me in trouble.

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