Chapter 9: Window to the soul.

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That night I caught Liam sneaking into the lab room, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about him. About how he looked when I confronted him. His eyes were trembling in guilt. They were distant. Confused. He looked as if he was lost. It was as if he didn't know what he was doing or why he was doing it. As if he didn't know himself.

That's how I learned that he really wasn't that kind of person. He didn't want to do that. And that's when I decided that I have to help him.

When I was young, I always believed that eyes had their own language. looking into someone's eyes, you get to know their deepest secrets, everything about them, whether they are good or bad, what they yearn for, what they love. Eyes speak when words fail.

It's true that eyes are the window to the soul. That's why I never liked eye contact. I didn't like the evil I saw in some people's eyes. It made it harder for me to get close to people and make friends.

But then, during the darkest times of my life, I found my self wishing... begging... for someone to look into my eyes, to hear my silent cries. That's when I learned that sometimes we need to take a closer look to understand people's struggles.. to be able to help them.

Liam's eyes, they were calling me. I couldn't ignore that. I couldn't ignore him. Not when he helped me that much.

The next day, with renewed determination, I went straight to the seat next to him in class. He tried so hard to ignore me, but I managed to make him focus in class. I nudged him every now and then pointing out key points on the slides. Even though his jaw clenched in annoyence with my every word, I persisted. However, I could sense something changing, his eyes softening just a fraction, shoulders resting slightly. Maybe he hates me now, but he'll get over it. I'm pretty sure I'll grow on him.


The anatomy quiz went well. All the questions were ranging between easy and average. As soon as I collected my stuff, I looked up to find Liam walking out. I take a few wide steps following him.

"Liam." I call as soon as I reach him. He looks down at me with a quirked brow. I smile at him, but before I could say anything Noah was infront of us, making us both stop walking.

"Jas, hi, how're you?" He asks, totally ignoring Liam's presence. I really don't know why they hate each other. It's not like I care. Noah is pretty much annoying anyway.

"I'm fine, thanks." I nod curtly.

"How did the exam go?"

"It was okay." I answer shortly, already done with this conversation.

"Can we have a moment?" He says, glancing at Liam. Acknowledging his presence for the first time.

Liam just scoffs looking the other way.

"Ohh, uhh, I'm actually busy. I need to go somewhere." I say hoping to cut this conversation off.

"We need to talk. It will only take a minute. I promise." I shift uncomfortably, my nerves getting the best of me. I force a small smile, trying to hide my unease. I could sense Liam's eyes on me, studying me closely.

"I'm sorry I.. I really can't." I don't want to go anywhere with him. I don't want to be alone with him. I don't like him. And I hate how he's looking at me right now.

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