The End?

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                I sat there as everyone took in the end. I leaned back in my chair watching as everyone contemplated the ending.

"That's it?" One student said. I leaned forward and nodded.

"No happy ending?" Another said.

"Are you serious?"

"No way!" An argument erupted and the class shouted I sat there and smiled as they fought. I whistled very loudly catching their attention.

"Just because it's a story don't mean it has to have a happy ending." I explained.

"But she deserves him." A student shouted.

"They should be together."

"But they can't" I said.

"Why not?" Jessie asked. I sighed and thought for a moment.

"That's the next story for a different time." I told them.

"You mean there's more?"

"So theres a chance?"

"You have to tell us."

"I agreed on one story, that was one of three. But we should get to the matter at hand. Did you hate it or love it.?" I asked. There was a murmur among the class as the disputed it. Suddenly it went quiet and a representative stood up.

"We agree that we love the story, hate the ending."

"I mean seriously, they need to be together."

"Write them together."


"I can't" I told them. There was an uproar as they argued why I should. I smiled getting the result I wanted. "You see love is what drives Grant. His passion for Angel gives him the strength to go on. And if he doesn't suffer then she has no support."

"So they can't be together be cause he loves her?" A student asked.

"No, she needs his love, but a force greater than he realizes is controlling everything." I explained.

"That's strange and stupid." A student retorted.

"Love is strange and stupid."

"Love isn't stupid. I'll agree that it's strange but love is what drives us as humans. Our love for something or one another that keeps us going. Grant's love just burns more brighter than most. His life will lead to big and even darker things where that light will begin to go out.

And he'll need to hold on because it'll get bad, but his love for Angel is much more than love." A smile crept on my face as something came to my mind.

"You could say it's stranger than love"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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