On The Other Side

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            I was sitting in a dark room. I single light bulb lit the room. In the room with me sat 3 young girls. They looked scared. One minute I was in bed the next I’m in this hell hole with people I’ve never met. I was scared. “Hi” I said breaking the silence that kept us separated. We each had retreated to a side of the small room. They all said hi back. I stood and walked over to the girl across from me. They all kinda looked like twins. They all had short blonde hair and seemed to be about 15 or 16. The girl I walked up to seemed the most shyest as she balled up tighter as I approached. I got down on my knees and stuck out my hand. “I’m Mikela” I told her. Her hand made its way slowly to mine.

“I’m Melody” she said. I noticed how different parts of her hair were slightly different colors.

”Nice hair” I said. She smiled.

“It was accident, I was dye shirts with my friend and some of the dye got in my hair.” She said. I stood up and walked over to the next one. I did the same as before.

“I’m Jen” she said more confidently. Her eyes were a very nice blue. I walked over to the last one. She was slightly crying.

“Hey its ok will all be fine. We’ve got each other.” I said trying to calm her.

“I want my puppy” was what she said. I was a little caught off guard. I thought she meant it like a dog but the girl named Jen heard her.

 “Wait do you mean it like a pet name?” she said. The girl nodded her head. Jen stood and walked over.

“That’s what I call Gram.” Jen said.

“That’s my pet name for Jack, My husband” I said. Melody walked over but didn’t chip in on the conversation.

“That’s my name for my best friend. He was protective of me. We fought a lot but, he was such a great friend. Wrote poems and stories for me. Listened to me. Talked to me. Played with me. Got bored with me. But in the end the best we could do is just be friends. He’s got emotional problems. I don’t know if I should stay with him or not. He has a tendency to make me regret being his friend but, He’s always been there for me I don’t know what to do anymore.” She said.

 “Well he sounds like a good friend. Sometimes the most perfect things have little imperfections. You just have to talk to him about it. Work with him to come to a mutual agreement. In time you guys will be like two peas in a pod. By the way I didn’t catch your name?” I said.

“Angel, and Thanks” she said.

“We’re all in this together.” I said. Suddenly the door opened and 4 figures walked down the stairs. 3 of them walked into the light while the 4th remained hidden by the darkness. I recognized Harry off the bat.

“You little….” I began. He pointed a gun at me and I went quiet. The next was a young boy. I heard Melody gasp.

“Ryan how could you?” she said.

 “I have my reasons” the boy said. The last was a young woman in leather with long black hair. Jen recognized her.

“I should have figured. Only someone with power like yours could have done this.” Jen spit out.

“All I want is revenge on you and your mutt of a boyfriend.” She said. The 4th figure stayed to the shadows.

“Now that we’ve had this time to share our memories. Take the dog girl; let’s put some bait on the string.” He said.

“With pleasure.” The woman said. They grabbed Jen and dragged her out. The door slammed shut and the 3 of us were once again alone.

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