On the Other Hand

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            We had started in a basement. Then they took Jen and we moved. Then it was a cabin. Melody was taken and we were move once again. Now it was just me and Angel. She was quiet I heard her whimper a few times. She’s said “puppy” and “Grant” but nothing else. Suddenly a figured moved. It seemed to be a boy I thought it was that Ryan kid. There was barely any light in the room so I couldn’t see where to aim. When he got close I brought my leg up hard. A satisfying screech was heard and he fell. “One down, 3 to go.” I said. The lights came on and I recognized where I was. It was my old class room in high school. The one where Harry shot Jack. I looked over and saw Angel pop her head in. I looked back at the other Angel and then the other. Another one walked in and saw the guy on the floor.

            “Chris!” she ran to him. I looked at Angel. She was just as confused as I was. The first Angel walked over and cut the ropes.

            “What the hell is going on and why is there 3 Angels?” The boy got up and cleared his throat.

            “All will be explained in due time. Let’s go.” We started walking off but Angel didn’t follow. I went back to her.

            “Are you ok?”

            “Chris? But his name’s not Chris Its Grant. Puppy.” She said.

            “Come on maybe there is a good reason.” She nodded and followed.


            I landed against the wall with a thud. He grabbed my neck and started to choke me. His nose was battered and bruised. I was lucky to have gotten that to have landed. Everything else missed.

            “You’re really pissing me off. Write or die.”

            “Over my dead body.” I got out.

            “Fine” My vision began to darken. I was losing strength. I was about to give up but then I saw a metal bar swing and land on the side of his head. I was dropped and I choked on the air that filled my lungs. I saw myself standing proudly.

            “Talk about timing” I got out.

            “Had to make a quick stop and pick up a few friends.” Jake moaned and sat up and saw us. He shook his head.

            “Either I’m seeing doubles or the stakes just got higher.”

            “Hello Jake.” Alex said.

            “Alex. Should have figured.”

            Yep. In the flesh”

            “I’ll kill you too” Another me walked up behind him and smashed his face.

            “Over my dead body” the other me said.

            “Chris, you got the girls?” Alex said.

            “Yeah they’re taking their old sweet time. Ran to come try and help.”  Jake moaned.

            “Looks like it’s not over” I said.


            We walked down the hallway. The other two girls went by Alexis and Kayla. They didn’t know much either. Just that their boyfriends asked them to come. We turned the corner and saw a fight. Three boys all the same were fighting a large man. Two of the boys were in a fist fight with the man while the third was behind the man. He ran and jumped and grabbed the man. The man ripped the boy’s arm away and brought his foot up and smashed his chest. I heard a sickening crunch as the boy flew towards us and landed. One of the other boys grabbed a bar and brought it up to the man’s face with another sickening crunch. The man fell back.

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